I am the Silent One

I love how you never fail to manage to put an insult on Bernie Sanders on any post you make, no matter what it is about.

I like basketball

NASCAR: Left only.

Riling up white people over bullshit will ALWAYS be worth it.

These Russians in the comments are big mad 

Would your trolling ass care to explain how? Who ungreyed this shit?

Right down to the anti-intellectualism.

Fuck off tomato fucker.

It can’t be *normalized*, though.

Exactly what I came to echo. They need to simmer the fuck down and and start within their limits. Found this out years ago with my first edible. There I am working for a Title and Escrow company at the end of the month. (that’s when all the loans try to close, mad rush) A coworker of mine brought me an M&Ms cookie,

Ah the old pot paranoia jitters. You can’t just start with the high end hydro.

I love how the Splinterites think they can come over here, use their same talking points, and we’ll all magically be convinced that Bernie is the Kwisatz Haderach. I didn’t think it three years ago, and I don’t think it now. Bye.

I don’t because I see through the agenda’s of the other two. They love you as long as you see it their way. Calling Joe Biden a racist, pedophile while ignoring Bernie’s shit is not just dishonest it is downright pathetic. Yeah Joe has some skeletons but if that is the case Bernie has a fucking Cemetery

This comment is pure distilled accuracy and deserves more stars.
She has literally a zero percent chance of getting my vote in this or any primary. 

I spend my Saturday afternoons volunteering at Upward Bound at Pace University, an extracurricular program that provides college prep and counseling for low-income, first-generation, college-bound high school students.

It is now anti-Semitic to point out that massive amounts of Israeli money into American politics has resulted in influence over American policy...


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