Given that Iran even gave the boats back I’m guessing all the folks here that overreacted will now admit to being wrong.
Given that Iran even gave the boats back I’m guessing all the folks here that overreacted will now admit to being wrong.
HQ said something about a 3 hour tour...
A few points:
wow that is about as straight forward as it gets for a head man. I swear some people see any post and call it click bait. Next time I will just post a picture. Ridiculous.
I trust the Norwegians who were a party to the transfer of uranium so it is certainly not in Iran anymore. Russia has no interest in Iran having a bomb which is why they joined in the sanctions. Putin is a thug but not stupid.
We would have lost to the Russians if Patton got his way... Just like everyone else who invades Russia does.
They handed over 25,000 TONS of enriched uranium last week, for starters. Probably the biggest WMD material transfer in the middle east (possibly following the 1000 tons of Nerve Gas Obama got out of Syria) - so “jack shit” is a bit harsh. In fact, combined with the never gas transfer from Syria that Obama engineered…
Nice. An ad hominem and vague conspiracy theory fears when called out on your inanity, with nary an actual fact to be found, including any knowledge of security protocols at military installations. At least you're consistent.
How would you know what I know or don’t? I didn’t address the nature of that organization nor make any statement regarding how it is separate or commingled or how individuals are mixed through the government as it is all 100% irrelevant to the point I made. I addressed the concept of multiple government bodies leading…
“What surprises me is that the sailors let themselves be captured.”
Really? No one took the low hanging fruit?
Clickbait how? That’s a perfectly normal headline. Clickbait would be: This sailor’s boat broke down in the Persian Gulf, you won’t believe what happened next!
Right, because if an Iranian boat came drifting into a US base’s waters, the first thing we’d do *wouldn’t* be putting them in custody while we figured out what was going on, no matter if they claimed mechanical failure or not, and then follow that up with communication with their higher-ups to make sure the situation…
shit dude, I saw the headline on ABC and immediately came here for the low down.
You mean FoxtrotAlpha, the least clickbaity blog in the Gawker empire?
-We take the lead, invade and occupy, as in Iraq and Afghanistan. It’s a disaster.
-We work in a coalition with targeted airstrikes without risking troops on the ground, as in Syria. It’s a disaster.
-We stay more or less out of it and let another country take the lead, as in Yemen. It’s a disaster.
The problem is that GWB’s Iraq invasion destroyed the trust the world had in the USA military as the force for the good. Everybody was on-board with USA during the first Iraq war, Balkans, and Afghanistan. But after Iraq II, the system of trust is gone, and the American people are also pretty wary of any invasion in…
I’m going to take a flyer and say your first language is Russian. That’s not how we structure sentences in English.
I believe people have a hard time understanding how difficult this really is.