Dr. Philtrum, RN

Note to self: read entire thread before posting. Sorry!

Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near?

I am only sending that crap to my husband to drive him insane.

Expect? No. Fervently hope and pray? Yes.

He’s saving that for Festivus.

I also err on the side of making flippant remarks, as if I stop and take this all too seriously I’ll need to up my ativan to the point of risking respiratory arrest.

I take your point. That’s why I added the ETA. It’s just a word that has always had a sexual connotation to me. Maybe a generational thing? I’m an old. A dirty, dirty old lady.

I take your point. But sexualizing everything is kinda my default. I’m a dirty, dirty girl.

Yes! Are we not doing phrasing anymore?!?

You have just described my response to every headline containing a Trump / Trump surrogate quote.

A daughter referring to her father’s “stamina” isn’t creepy at all. Nosiree.

Certain allowances must be made in the pursuit of a good quip. Much as certain allowances must be made when trying to rhyme words such as “orange”, “dunce”, and “chaos.”

Didn’t mean to steal your bit. I’m one of those self-hating grays who often doesn’t read the grays before posting.

We may need to call in a priest.

I beg to differ. I am sure Rick Milne must be the mayor of Honey Falls. I shall lay out my irrefutable argument:

That about face was so abrupt, she must have whiplash!

I hope they are checking to make sure that the “effigy” isn’t an actual dead body.

I only regret that I have but one star to give for this post.

He looks like a fine, upstanding, intelligent, peaceful citizen. Yep. Totally plorable.