
So you're talking about the american world cup team then?

I'm sure impalement by heel is deadly. No running needed.

you aren't worth the effort of grammatical details

I refuse to believe we're watching this over mtg.

what else do you expect from a sheet and a old floppy disk storage box?

then hipster is the equivalent of "bullshit" or "nonsense" for older folk?

terrible. you could make that from 100% legos.

no. pretty spot on. maybe a bit on the cheap side.

crazy cat lady

trying too hard to be different. if not. close enough. /

except rapists and child molesters, especially if they're unattractive. THEY of course, NEVER change.

well currently in a game I assume rape or molestation elicits a positive response with no consequences...

FUCK! You think traffic's bad now?

it's a gray area on top of that in games it's often presented as an option rather than a goal. They could release the same games and portray child molestation and rape as negative. So the same problematic material COULD actually be used positively.

it would probably be more effective though.

Nevermind. I forgot I was talking to someone ignorant to the world outside of their imaginative utopia.

Thats a very blurred line for two adults who probably don't have much to offer living in a trailer in the first place, supervising 3 kids. You need to get out more if you can't see that.

Which is entirely possible here too. ESPECIALLY given the trailer setting. That I would say increases the likelihood of the "cool"adult/parent being able to supply something other parents/adults could not or would not and being cool for doing so.

They shouldn't but they can. thats how much of our consumer economy work anyways. get real.
