
That’s usually how it works

Art preservation is important and it’s bad that Sony and Nintendo don’t take it seriously. That said, if MS were in their position they wouldn’t be doing it, either. It’s just that they have to find something to offer people because they sure as hell don’t have anything else going for them at the moment that isn’t

Sony’s been killing it with the PS Plus games lately. Every month there’s at least something I’m excited to try out.

I mean, this being a bad thing is not really debatable... Keeping the Vita and PS3 digital storefronts operational is a drop in the bucket for a company like Sony and is very obviously the right thing to do in terms of art preservation. It’s just no profitable, so it doesn’t happen. Expand and multiply this dynamic a

What is most profitable and what is actually good are rarely the same thing.

Capitalism, as usual, is a bitch.

Eh, I’m a pretty firm believer in the idea that you can make almost ANY story good if you know how to structure it and have an understanding of pacing and tone. Stories don’t need to be complex or sophisticated in order to be executed well. I mean, Mad Max Fury Road is a movie with very little dialogue and a

Just... please have someone write a good screenplay. Just do that. It’s mind boggling to me how many video game movies just fuck it up completely with the screenplay.

Fuck this game.

Then they shouldn’t have hosted the trailer.

Isn’t it amazing how slim the overlap always is between “the thing that will make the most profit” and “the thing that is the right fucking thing to do”

I’ve been more into Destiny 2 lately than I’ve probably ever been and I think a HUGE reason for that is just how transformative the next gen upgrade is. The game is so frictionless now; inventory loads instantly, I can go from orbit to the tower in like ten seconds, field of view slider and 60fps makes everything

I’m just looking to play games in the best way possible.”

Really not into this trend where giant media companies kotow to the most belligerent sects of their respective fandoms. Rise of Skywalker felt tailor-made to address all the angry “Ruin Johnson” videos, the Snyder Cut is coming out tomorrow and that thing only really exists to placate weirdly obsessive man children,

It’s not too shocking that the game loads quickly because the textures are indeed very smeary and low-rez. It’s a fascinating game because 90% of the time it’s one of the most drop dead gorgeous titles I’ve ever played, and then 10% of the time it almost looks like a halfway point between a PS3 and a PS4 game. I’m not


To be fair to Destiny 2, you can now use the companion app to pick up bounties from orbit, which saves a decent amount of time.

A fitting platform for a maddeningly mediocre film.

Sometimes it feels like Call of Duty was made by people who say “How can we make this as hideous and cringey as possible” before they do anything.

Fuuuuuuuuck those assholes. Just launch them straight into the sun.