I Am Sancho

And here I thought freelance artists not getting paid and being asked to do logo and design work “for the exposure” was the worst. This whole force-rappers-to-pay-for-their-own-shows sort of bullshit is disgusting. If you’re putting on a festival or a concert, fucking pay your people.

I’m guessing you didn’t actually watch the video. Because if you did, you’d realise that: 

Young and naive is a great thing to be.  Better than old, corrupt, and fucking dumb as shit like this idiot. 

I don’t think it’s okay to be old and stupid.

They don’t know how to not be superficial. They see things succeed, and say “we’ll do what they did” never realizing that shit didn’t become successful because some marketing-brain coke addict at the top made a chart. The Dark Knight took time and a lot of passion, and it succeeded in large part because it was a though

Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, Suicide Squad, and Justice League all prove they don’t get anything and don’t give a single shit.

This is absolutely par for the course for them.

DC just doesn’t get it. I’m honestly amazed at the short sightedness.

It upsets me so much, just knowing that there are smug little bastards like this one still out there thinking themselves righteous victors because they got off scot-free. There are so many horrific things men do to women that it can be overwhelming sometimes, but what really gets to me is just the thought of all these

I really hope that the Boba Fett film (if it ends up being made) has Vader and Fett hunting each other as a prelude to ESB. Fett could be hired by Sidious to kill Vader, and then Vader turns the tables on him. Eventually Fett’s skills impress Vader enough to not murder him, but keep him on retainer instead.

My question is - where have these “hard-hitting” journalists been for the past 17 years?

My question is - where have these “hard-hitting” journalists been for the past 17 years? I mean it’s nice to see them standing up to Orange Hitler and his minions but we can all agree that this is as low as hanging fruit gets. As far as I’m concerned they’re doing the bare minimum required by their occupation.

I know a guy, a police officer. He dated a fellow officer for a few years. When they broke up in a messy fashion he posted multiple pictures of her on-line. He faced no sanction, but within a year she was essentially forced to quit. He’s still on the job. I’ve heard he considers it vindication.

Your daily reminder that the United States does NOT have a justice system. We have a legal system. And it is callous as fuck. It continues to trample on the dignity of people everywhere. Especially women and minorities.

Your treatment has made me so angry. I’m so sorry this happened to you. You deserve justice, and I know you’ll ace the bar.

Sean — I think I can speak for all of us salivating, rancorous, sewer-dwelling mutants when I say we’ll miss you. Thanks for the years and years of great work.

Look, I pieced it together.

I always liked this one.

Han’s capture was, but not experimentally freezing him in carbonite (a process that could have just as easily killed him).

I must admit, that one was the talented work of headline maestro Rob Bricken, and the moment he said it when I pitched this post I fell in love with it forever.

James, you could have written the rest of the article after the heading in wing-dings, and it wouldnt have mattered. You had me at “not counting the ones covering his whole body”.