
I assume everyone understand the true reason for the price floor. The Yankees don’t want price competition for THEIR inventory. They make squat from the reseller market on a relative basis. They simply don’t want me selling the seat next to one they are trying to sell for half off. If they were selling out every game,

When was the last time a meaningful trade was made in the NBA? Was it 78 year-old Kevin Garnett going back to Minn?

Welcome to lovely Brazil! Your soccer game will be held in the jungle. Make sure none of the billions of virus carrying mosquitoes bite you, or your children will be born with exceptionally small heads (I am actually not making that up). Also, feel free to bathe in rubbing alcohol after your rowing event as we, um,

Off sides.

Shark, jumped.

Marathons get no ratings. The fact that NBC was covering it at all was a huge win, and probably why they had to have it in LA (10am is 1pm on east coast) in addition to the location.

Beat me too... too easy

I have to admit, needed to look that word up! very nicely done sir.

My theory on JJ’s motivation:

Exactly. It was just a “why did you bring an outsider to our club meeting?” comment

Don’t forget, Kroenke’s wife’s family is the richest family on earth. The only NFL owner who come’s close is Allen, and owning sports teams is sort of a past-time for him. He does it for the good parking spot at the games...

I wish you were right.

This isn’t even quite right. Jerry has owned the Cowboys since 1989. Kraft bought the Patriots in 1994. They were looking for a device to describe the two groups... it wasn’t a good one

Well said. I don’t think the authors know what “old money” and “new money” mean. What they refer to is more old guard/traditionalist vs. new guard/change agent

Hey jackass, the fact that your middle school basketball coach was a woman didn’t make you suck. You sucked already. It also wasn’t her fault you got hazed in the locker room. Believe it or not there has been at least one school hazing incident involving a team with a male coach.

I just read the list. I think he ate some edibles, got freaked out of his gourd and walked across the street to the Po-Po station thinking he was going to die. I am curious about the hippa implications here... What CAN be disclosed?