
Eh, I’m not too worried about others forging their vax records. As long as the vaccine I get is real, that’s what keeps me safe. If somebody wants to fake it, they’re only hurting themselves — and making vaccine supply available for those of us who want it.

Concierge service is one of those things I know exist but their capabilities are so fuzzy and undefined it’s not clear what you can even ask for. Like tailoring: I’ve heard the phrases “let out” and “take in” but I have no idea what the feasible limits are or what other things they can do.

I hope there is some hardy mechanism in place to verify full vaccination, otherwise I expect shitty forged vaccination records and cries of "it violates ADA for you to ask to verify my vaccination status" from anti-vaxxers and other assorted varieties of fruitcake.

Yeah, how could a white woman possibly ever get the benefit of the doubt over a black man in family court? In America??? I don’t buy it...

Take these kids away from her immediately. Full stop. No “well you get to see them during...” No, you lost that right. For good.

Conversely, once you find out something’s wrong, you can’t legally not disclose it.

Are we really going to have a semantic debate about laymen using the word addiction in a different way than the current and always evolving medical definition?

people use microdoses to treat all kinds of addictions like sex addiction which your dumbass doesn’t believe in. You are a sham

SLAA would like a word.

Amazingly poor headline.

I respectfully disagree.

Personal take: I was addicted to World of Warcraft. Later in my life I found out that sex is in fact much better than WoW. If you can get addicted to anything pleasurable, you can get addicted to sex. Don’t care if it’s in a book or not.

I demand this person’s resignation, I most definitely have been diagnosed, was treated and am recovering from sex addiction (along with alcoholism, gambling addiction, and opiate addiction). Where did she go to medical school? This is terrible stuff from lifehacker. I’m sorry I can’t be more eloquent but I’m quite

a persistent pattern of failure to control in regards to alcohol, a drug, so forth..is basically addiction...this article doesn’t advance anything that makes anything better

This feels like an incredibly irresponsible framework.

OF COURSE addiction of any kind is not an excuse for heinous acts of terrorism and violence. Those are horrific and any excused related to a mental health disorder is flimsy at best and dangerous to others almost always.

AND this field’s understanding and definition

I have some issues with articles like this that seem like they want to negate what are some real issues that some people deal with by semanticking them to death. I know that the article contains more nuance, but the headline is frustratingly dismissive, and unfortunately, a lot of people don’t read much farther than

Just because it isn’t in DSM-5 doesn’t mean it wasn’t in earlier versions or that nobody is trying to get it included again. Even if you go to calling it a “control disorder” it’s not like it doesn’t exist or isn’t a problem that people face and just calling it “mental distress” at the end pretty well devalues anyone

I’d like to hear that from one of the accounting firms that does their taxes instead of a 3rd party talking about how it ‘should’ be. 

I haven’t seen the tweet, but this:

In a more sane world, everyone would just use the NCAA’s testosterone policy, and then be open to monitoring outcomes over the course of years or even decades as we continue to accrue more observations of trans athletes. This is a topic where I don’t really care about people’s opinions right now. I think the