
They also make great practice targets for any jet that has a cannon and was made after 1960.

I love this fight.

I also wouldn't want to hold his hand or do anything else like that with him after that.

Yes, yes it could...

And there was a police officer shot? Dude, stay the heck away from there.

The weird part is that will.i.am wasn't even flying anywhere that day. He just likes to hang out at airport lounges.

That rumor about KMTV's meteorologist is completely untrue. Higher ups in local law enforcement say it never happened.

Best WOWT Jim Flowers exchange:

John Nicely: Happy Valentines day to everyone. Jim, did you get your wife anything for Valentine's day?

Jim Flowers: John, my wife gets Flowers every night.

I spent 30 seconds googling his name and found out what you wrote is utter and complete horseshit. So basically, you just let yourself open to a pretty massive defamation lawsuit. How many readers does this site have? What's the effect on reputation? What are the possible damages? Somewhere, there are attorneys

Actually he was never arrested or charged or even questioned, the only connection is one of the johns using the place used his name as an alias. Channel 3 (WOWT) just wanted to go cheaper and didn't renew his contract.

God that is so Nebraska.

Not surprising honestly, one of the meteorologist got arrested in a prostitution sting a few years back, got fired by channel 3 and I think then hired by channel 5. Jim Flowers. He has an amazing mustache.

I'm with you. The NHL is safer now that we'll never see another dirty hit after the Seabrook suspension in the first round.

I completely agree. I used to hate playing multiple games a day because I always ended up playing with wet gloves.

so your silver lining is a hypothetical for someone completely different?

Clearly Monica, a intern in her young 20s, was a predator against literally the most powerful man in the world. Isn't he the real victim here?

A better solution than putting them on the sex offenders list for public urination that happens in some jurisdictions in this country.

I was really taken aback by the joke about "stinky Indian guys at the gym" during a recent sketch. To her credit, I was most shocked because that kind of straight-up mean-spirited racism seemed so out of place for her. I think she gets away with a lot of other racist stuff because it's that sort of "positive