I am Marsupial!

I really hope that Princess Anne dotes on her excessively and teaches her general badassery.

Yeah, I love the messenger app on android because it can also handle my sms messages and I don’t have to have multiple apps open to communicate with people through messaging.

I just got hooked on Merge Dragons. I’m on some ridiculous challenge level and have become a little obsessed about checking chalices.

Jezebel is an entertainment website with a feminist perspective. It also has beauty product logs, drunken movie reviews, gossip round ups, and fashion round ups on major events. Not to mention a curated daily deals based on their audience. They are not 24/7 hard hitting feminist journalism. I don’t think the publicist

I would watch this move way to much.

Was there ever Sandra Bullock backlash? I know her non-roncom movies didn’t do well, even though I enjoyed many of them. I always figured she stepped back because she wanted to focus on her family. And I am personally stoked she’s going to be in Ocean’s 8.

I agree with all of these things. On rewatch, there is a lot to cringe about.

I imagine Chevy swung first and with full body. Chevy missed, landed hunched because of the force behind his failed swing, and younger, spritey intended victim had an easy target.

I find it weird that I now know Adam Levine has what I call “finger toes.” My lil’ brother has long toes too, and I think they’re cool (although I think that poor girl is going to have big feet and have to deal with the challenges that come with that). But it’s not a thing I need to know about someone who I don’t see

Jesus, it’s like they played terrible baby name darts to come up with all of that.

I doubt it. Given how he focused only on the illegal campaign contribution issue, I’m pretty sure he has covered his and 45's ass on the legal stuff. You don’t go to jail for being an immoral ass. One day, he too could become president if he spins it right.

I’m pretty sure it’s going to be okay. It seems the audience is pretty stable, consistent award nods, and Rachel Bloom is going on tour in the Spring. They’re not going to cancel it.

I’m pretty sure it’s been that way for at least a decade, if not two. I think there was an article about how it affected pop culture or vice versa in the kinjaverse recently.

As a broken foot haver, I’m with you.

Or option 3 - Parks and Rec is the Good Place. They do have Little Sebastian and Leslie Knope as President.

Not if they specifically stated that they weren’t comfortable with the stunt and had asked that a professional stunt driver did it instead.

Funny story, the last episode of the series is about the president.

You know, I watched the episode, and while I don’t expect a payday loan mogul to be the most moral/ethical person, the level he, his attorney, his wife, and his racing coach were trying to make him out to the victim of the government was infuriating. I don’t think he gave a rats ass when his clients had to go without

To be honest, I feel like they probably have the same emotional maturity.