I hope the dragons get him.
I hope the dragons get him.
He can’t sell tickets to that.
This guy is full of shit and this is a publicity stunt. He doesn’t believe the earth is flat, he just knows that no one cares about these stunts now that Evel Knievil is dead.
These sleeper cells are being fought by the Russian truth squads
Were they collecting pee for trump?
You just had a lazy, shitty teacher is all.
Oh, fuck off. You are full of shit and youre a bad person.
You want ass-kissers instead of free thinkers. Pathetic.
So what if there isn’t a person of color or a woman good enough to do what they want?
Did they “rape your childhood” baby?
Yes. Read the article.
A lot has changed in 8 years. In fact, a lot has changed in the last month of elections.
Now if we only got a system to stop journalists to stop manipulating the narrative.....
Even though this article takes a clear anti-roommate stance, some of us like having roommates. When you have have roommates, your not stuck with the binary: live alone or in a romantic relationship situation.
Not voting has worse consequences.
Its Texas. Theres a shop where you can get vinyl stickers for your truck on every corner. They are just usually used to make threats on Obamas life.
Vote. Get the politicians who do not care about their constituents out of power.
I asked her what it was or what’s written there but she didn’t tell me, all she told me was it was for me to figure out.
So deep. So edgy.
Come on, complain about SJW’s. You know you want to, kid.