
no backwards compatibility = a go fuck yourself from me to you sony.

I wanted Hot for Teacher for RB, but GHWT REALLY needs to have a ridiculously stellar track list to beat out the liquid schwartz that is Rock Band 2's.

Another eclectic selection of music, some of which I never thought I'd see in a game like this. I am all over this like like fat girls on cake.


Let me be a Green Lantern and I'm sold.

Yeah I'm in the I still don't care boat. I don't have the money or the space for all this equipment and I definitely don't have any intention of trading what I have in or selling it.

ummm somebody check, but I think hell just froze over.

Its PS3. They'd be better off giving away Blu Ray movies with the controller than games.

Coldplay... The Enya of modern rock. /shudder

Thankfully no Legend of Zelda, otherwise I would probably be out $75.

Run DMC - King Of Rock? Awesome. Glad to see they didn't puss out on Walk This Way. Now if only this was on Rock Band instead of Guitar Hero.

Yup. I have no intention of buying another Guitar Hero game ever. GH3 is shit and Rock Band shows that the heart of GH was Harmonix.

whats better than a portal reference?

I used trillian until I met digsby. Digsby spanks trillian.

I can tell you for a fact that at least the Dell OEM disks only check the bios to make sure its a Dell computer. As long as its dell to dell you're fine. It wont even ask for a serial...

Thats an awesome tip.

Yeah it could've been interesting if the transformers didn't look like a terminator endoskeleton got it on with an entire car dealership.