Get the suit back on. The one that you have in your profile picture :)
Get the suit back on. The one that you have in your profile picture :)
Yeah! That was awesome. I've never watched EVO, but I started it up randomly and got to watch Wong clean house.
Yeah, that sucks. I hope they know it's for the Micro$oft hate and not entirely KI hate.
First person shooter where you use birds as weapons.
I bought this game, and played only an hour of it. I dunno why. I loved GoW 1-3.
Can't play that game for more than an hour anyway. My eyes bleed. But it's still fun.
Because Disney.
Z will always be bigger than 1, in your equation.
hahahah I love the comments.
I hope they change back to their original position just so we can watch it happen. Wonder if they could flip back to no DRM one more time before release :)
What. It was kind of poorly written.
I played WAAAAY too much Diablo 3. This game just got really addicting after someone helped me get my last few levels to 60.
I would answer this, but as an unapproved commentator, no one will see it and I will continue the vicious cycle of just talking to myself. Are the walls closing in on me? Oh god....
In one of the documentary episodes they actually did hire someone to help get their shit together. It was in some of the first couple of episodes too.
His vision was definitely inflated with the funds. It just got too big.
Isn't Wasteland 2 doing fine? It's also shaping up to be quite a game, from what I've seen. I also think this DF stuff is turning into a show. I backed them, and I love Double Fine, but come one! Budget Tim!!
All I see are post-it notes in place of hair.