

Recreate all the backgrounds!

FF7 in HD? We don't have that...do we?

dat red rug

So the tissues and lotion on the bedside table are OK?

He totally ninja'd that edit in there after my comment!

I just hope it works on 1st gen iPad. Pllllease

Great AI!

This survival box is glaring at me, and time is moving so...damn....slooooow.

Now playing

Not as good, but I love this reaction too.

I found the demo to be pretty easy on Normal mode, but it was a very small sample of the game. Should I start a new game on Hard? (for sake of getting the best out of the story/immersion)

A 32 GB memory card for $85 is a good deal? Fuck me Sony.

I never played the original :(


Yeah I picked up a 360 controller just the other day and it felt tiny. Like a toy. The PS3 controller, to me, feels like home.

3D Dot Game Heroes 2 looks great!

I also told mine it was like Fanal Fantasy Tactics meets a god sim game.

I downloaded XCOM Enemy Unkown (yes, I can't trade it with friends) on PS Plus a couple days ago...

I thought it was the Kingdom Hearts remake bundle when I first saw it.

I didn't know street pass actually worked. I also didn't know people used it.