
"Or simply give me more loot to find around each map?" - Well no. That would suck. Survival horror action game. Survival.

Game Informer gave it a 95. BOO YAH!

Oh wow, you better finish it! I platinumed DS1 and 2. Hardcore mode was a ton of fun. Lost many hours in there. I can't wait to do it again in DS3.

Already watched a bunch of video reviews. Well...listened to them, I don't wanna spoil anything for myself :) Have fun in there man!

I'm with you. I'm so stoked to play this. I just love being in the Dead Space universe.

"Perhaps my expectations are to blame. " - I would say this, definitely. I fell for a hype train before and learned never do that again. I'm going into this one still with a clean slate and no expectations. I loved the demo. More of that would be fantastic.

This is nuts.

And porn too!

Seriously. It's worth $300.

Have you even played the demo? Try it co-op too. It's awesome. Just a taste of what we will get!

Dead Space 3 is going to be brilliant.

I'm impressed Patricia. I'm sick of people talking about, recently EA, and how they are only in it for money. Get over yourselves!

OH nice! Not hating, but that does look a bit simpler than the Isaac Clarke statue. Here is the messed up face plate:

How long ago was that? I read a forum that said they started getting sloppy lately. Or maybe the Dead Space really got shafting. There were a lot of people that had similar issues.

The Issac Clarke statue was a bust. It didn't represent the 'prototype'. Helmet was broken. Mask was not aligned right. Colors were off. The necromorph looked good though. Just was expecting a near perfect piece (as shown in the prototype) for over $300.

Never buying from SideShow again.

No that isn't why. You hate it because subconsciously it reminds you of nuclear testing in which people died and countries fell to. It's not as simple as 'I don't like it because X or Y'.

Can you expand on the song meaning?

Really? I kind of liked it.

Future of Google maps, yeah, I could see that.