
So, he’s like the Green Arrow but without the bow? Because the whole “believed dead, son of billionaire empire mogul, trained in martial arts” feels very close. Hopefully he smiles more than CW Oli...

My vote.

After investigation, the (fantastic) song is from Dead Man’s Bones which is 50% Ryan Gosling. Is there anything he cannot do?

I watched the whole season a couple of weeks ago. It’s a really fun little show - the scenario is fairly standard with plot twists you can see coming a mile ahead, but the characters are very different from the usual (no one behaves as you’d expect), there’s a good energy and a lot of deadpan humour throughout that


2 questions: not being an American and having never heard of Archie before, is it a very US thing or am I just lacking pop culture? And secondly, outside of nostalgia, is this series actually good (based on all the io9 articles) or just the bland CW teen drama it looks like from the outside?

I think I forgot how disappointed I was each time there was a new episode, then remember how much this wasn’t Jurassic Park during the episode, and the same whole cycle again each week. What a waste of good concept.

Every single review I’ve read seems to agree on the fact that the movie is trying to justify stalking, and that all this disturbing context has been entirely left out of the promo tour, trailers, etc etc. aka “Stockholm Syndrome in Space”

Free Guy was also the only summary that really sounds exciting - especially after watching Westworld (and their “routines”).

I’m not a gore-fan but Ash and the cast is so good I’m watching anyway. The colon scene has definitely made an impact on me - I’ve never watched Ash while eating ever again and it took a while before I recovered!

Today we observe the mating ritual of the Iron Fist - one of the Yellow Belts has already noticed him but it’s really the hard-to-get Red Belt he wants to impress.

Rob: When the Legends fuck up the timeline, they create daughters, not erase them from existence

2 possibilities: either he’s, like 99% of movie execs, spinning what we want to hear; or he’s gonna blow our minds with amazing movies that are not a pure talentless money grab. Read the quote below and decide what you believe in:

So I don’t know about you, but I might never tire of watching Guardians of the Galaxy. And this is very much making me think the 2nd one will be as good.

So this is what a bad acid trip feels like.

Yeah, I never understood why everyone in the superhero genre insists on lying to protect others: hiding your superhero identity from your close friends and relatives, trying to get metas to not use their new powers...

That “comet” is the proof that Birdman exists in the DC CW universe.

I stopped watching at the beginning of season 2 (way too much good TV at the time so I had to make tough choices) but I quite like the comics so I read episode reviews on io9 from time to time. Based on this premise, here is what I’ve gathered:


Also, after years of lurking in the shadows on io9, I created a Kinja account just to post this.