Zesty Enterprise

Be prepared to wait. I ordered some the last time a deal was posted and I still haven’t received them. The company has been responsive, just...well...slow.

Be prepared to wait. I ordered some the last time a deal was posted and I still haven’t received them. The company

I was living in suburban Chicago, in a neighborhood where 4 way stops and one-way streets randomly scatter about what is almost a perfect grid, but make getting into your carport a 4-5 turn affair.

This sentence perfectly captures my feelings as well.

The one with the Golden Retriever totally got me.

I’ll admit, I teared up a little. So, she got at least one reader pegged.

Buy 1 regular car wash, get the undercarriage wash FREE!

I’m always a little disappointed that every time there is mention of a Bronco, whoever is writing goes straight for the O.J. reference. For me, my association was always “The Little Mule” in Romancing the Stone.

All of this would have been avoided if it was a standard.


Tom Brady doesn’t act that way because he’s a nice guy. He’s a great player, don’t get me wrong, but I never got the impression that the elevator goes all the way to the top with that one.

He smiles, says very little, and no one will figure out that he’s a doofus.

There could be some pumps/piping needed, but not for when the lock closes. The water displaced will flow out easily when loading so you don’t have to worry about changing the water level then.

I would think it would be needed when they are about to open it to make sure the water levels are identical to avoid large

This needs more stars.

The theory I heard is that it had the three-steps at launch, but due to the load issues on their servers, they disabled it and automatic “nearby” refreshes to free up capacity. They silently did it on the server side by not responding to requests, so everything showing as 3-steps, and now removing it from the game on

Now playing

I’m fascinated by this mashup. When I was in Vancouver, I actually drove around outside the airport trying to find it. (no luck)

I got another unexpected discount. HRBlockPromo

I had used the HR Block promo to have my refund sent as an Amazon gift card months ago, and for some reason an addtional 10% came off this order as well. I found an Asus router and got an unexpected bonus!

I got another unexpected discount. HRBlockPromo

I had used the HR Block promo to have my refund sent as an Amazon

I’ve only been able to get to the “Our servers are experiencing issues” level.

Seriously though, one tip I have is to keep an eye on the loading icon. I wandered around my neighborhood with the incense trying to lure pokemon, and never got any. Turned out that for the whole half hour I used it, it could not connect to

One feature they should add that would be very helpful would be the lane guidance that Google Maps has. That is especially helpful on highway trips. I wind up using Google Maps on longer road trips in areas I’m not familiar with because that helps so much.

I thought for sure god mode would be enabled with idspispopd.

How is it that not a single person in that video is not losing their shit.

Every. single. one. of the spectators is all...”meh”

No Ford Probe? Who wouldn’t want to see that?
