
I don’t think SSTs ever made sense, but they really don’t today.

Supersonic flight seems especially pointless now that so much business travel between offices has been reduced significantly due to tech improvements.

I agree, matching relative velocity takes time and little nudges and adjustments. Try driving a car past a spinning merry-go-round, jump out at just the right moment and grab on. The formula for getting it right is not so complicated as rocket science goes, but even with recalculating the solution a million times per

The weird thing is that it might’ve been a flop financially, but it was honestly one of the best films in terms of general audience reception. Birds of Prey was pretty high up there too in terms of reception despite also being considered a flop (and being released right as Covid shutdowns started)

65 definitely didn’t deliver the premise it was marketed as having. They made you go in expecting future guns, dinosaur slaughter, and cat and mouse games with a T-rex equivalent. Instead we basically got an escort quest, language issues, sick kid drama, “it’s in the past despite the guns being futuristic!”, and a

skiing naked is all well and good. Falling down while skiing naked? That is very painful and dangerous.

Exactly. The only reason this, like multiple other “we do that, just with an app” companies, became so large was because of the prolonged ultra low interest rate environment following the Great Recession. VC was looking to park money in anything that might higher rates of return than the stock market or bonds and so lo

Obviously read the whole story if you’d like but let me distill the whole thing for you; Bird is/was an app-based gig hustle created solely to go public via SPAC and make its founder(s) and initial investors rich, passing off costs and losses to people who did the actual work and the average Joe who bought the stock.

I’m sure the added competition from Aquaman 2 will have some effect, but I don’t know how much the audiences for the movies will overlap. Wonka seems well positioned to take advantage of Christmas, where for many viewers it becomes less important what you are dying to see, and more important what grandma, your teenage

Part of that answer comes down to the entire AT&T vehicle “enterprise.” That’s not just the vehicle, it’s the training of sufficient mechanics (electricians?) with new tools and testing, any new facilities that are needed for different vehicles like chargers, and the production availability of parts. All of that tends

I did corporate charter for a decade, and this is not a new idea. The problem remains the same though: it’s luck of the draw whether there will be a flight available.

now we know why all of the rich people are flocking to texas. No state tax and child support caps!

But they generally only run twice a day with hours in between, so it seems like a perfect situation where fast swapping is not needed.

It’s weird to think about for sure. I guess Richard Madden has had some decent work on others series, but everyone probably associates him with The Eternals and leaves it there. WHICH Kit Harrington was also immemorably in.

No they are still moving forward with that Jon Snow spinoff no one wants.

Oh yea, I think they could. But that would be pandemonium. I honestly can’t believe Tesla hasn’t pulled off a bidding for reservation number stunt yet.

I mean, does anyone remember Mars One from a few years back?

Ah damn, you should have used a /s on that.  Sorry.

Jimmy Buffet was the type of businessman that liked playing baseball, so he bought himself a minor league team and made himself player/coach.

Business myopia has always been a thing. They believe that product sales in the early stage of its life cycle will continue forever, conveniently forgetting the concepts of saturation and competition.