Nah, it needs to be on the Moon!!
Nah, it needs to be on the Moon!!
My guess is there’s sheathing around the seam that extends past the skin to protect the bone from exposure to the air, and the tissue around that simply scars over like when you have a gastric feeding tube or an implanted medication reservoir. The body doesn’t much LIKE accommodating permanently inserted foreign…
He doesn’t want Threads to be Twitter, but everyone else does, which is why it’s failing. This is a slammdunk for Zuck and he’s determmined to fuck it up
The satellite signal in this case is LTE, just like a ground cellular station. The difference is Starlink’s phased-array antenna allows it to aim the signal at specific areas, (still around 30 miles diameter) so it can stay within the normal power/wattage limitations on such signals, even as the satellite is moving.
If you go back to the earlier seasons (which is depressingly further back in time than I’d like to admit), then almost everyone could play themselves. Pam and Krieger would be a bit of a stretch, but their acting would likely make it work. The cast always joked they wanted to have Jon Hamm play Archer and then have…
I assume the former rather than the latter... Especially since CR doesn’t have that much uncensored content anymore. Steam / light beams / massive shadowing covers things close to gore or nudity.
As a Finn: I’ve personally had 4 new cars, all from different marques and all have been direct factory orders. Getting one from dealer lot is not really a thing, except for test drive vehicles after they’ve done their thing. Also markups aren’t really a thing.
Regarding Cadillacs return: they might be at something this…
If they do, I hope one of them is named Wintermute
I mean...Jon H. Benjamin is no Sterling Archer. That’s just not gonna happen. I do love his comedy, though, and look forward to seeing what he has going on next.
I never understood this. These guys aren’t making five year 100 episode arcs. How much work/money does it take to fully storyboard (script and drawn visuals) 40min x 8 episodes of TV? Compared to the cost of actually making the real show it seems absolutely idiotic to not have a full on storyboard of the entire season…
No such organization exists in the EU. Direct sales are fairly normal.
the entire supply chain, thank you! The automotive supply chain is incredibly complicated and deep
I don’t remember those articles but I do remember 9/10 fight scenes being filmed in a dark alley at night during a lunar eclipse that coincided with a citywide blackout
I assume this is the reason that everybody’s powers in the Netflix MCU were largely “punching people,” “punching people with a slightly glowy fist” and “punching people, but with feet”.
I really want a movie !
It’s a boring answer, but it really is the Model T, and there’s really no contest. The entire landscape of the country and world was changed because of it, it irreversibly altered how cities were designed, essentially created the idea of the suburbs, and a million other things. Others cars have done more for pop…
“hey contractors. This will be a bid with qualifications only your company has so you wont really have competition.” “man these bids were higher than i anticipated. Oh Well” Municipal bids are my job. Happens Aaaaallll the time.
I mention bundling because of Disney+ offering bundles with ESPN+ and Hulu+, and Max has become a bundle of HBO, Cinemax, AMC, CNN, etc.
So guess a grizzly and a hamster sired an Englishman.