
yes but it also sounds like this lit a bit of a fire with the creative team. the last season felt pretty paint-by-numbers so it’s a little exciting to hear they’re charged up.

My brain can’t accept that number as “billion” at all... but when I scale it down to “million” it still seems crazy. $1.7[almost anyting] to KICK ROCKS! I keep imagining commas disappearing. “We’re gonna have to ask you to leave, sir. Here’s 1700 bucks and a tote bag. Swing by the cafe, help yourself to all the

I probably would have liked it more if he had. Blade Runner 2049 was a pretty film with an interesting twist, but the main plot is so generic and it invalidates the Final Cut of the first film (which was great).

I would not be surprised if there are preventative heart effects not strictly related to weight loss from these drugs. But yes, a big chunk of this benefit is likely from losing weight.

What you’re proposing is impossible, because those who lose less weight, as a statistical group, now have another interceding variable, that is, they’re resistant to the drug, they’re non-compliant to the protocol, or they had less weight to lose proportionately; any of which would skew the data.

“People living with obesity have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease but to date, there are no approved weight management medications proven to deliver effective weight management while also reducing the risk of heart attack, stroke or cardiovascular death

^^This! So much this! If the drug’s main effect is to lower one’s weight, and an already well-known and accepted cause/effect of lower weight is less cardiovascular stress, how is this claim considered a separate effect? Next, they’ll claim the drug increases the lifespan of bathroom scales, lowers grocery expenses,

Is the alternative really bad though? Do we NEED all these churches with dwindling congregations that have perpetrated horrific abuse of hundreds of thousands of children? Let them go bust. Good riddance. 

Let it fold, the fact that it is trying to claim it is distinct from every other Catholic Church in the world is a legal fiction, and not even a good one. If there is one entity that can send you from Massachusetts to Maine to Mongolia, then you are not legally distinct entities and I can go after the rest for the

We knew it was coming after the Gizmodo Bot fiasco but, still, how depressing.

I’m all for them folding. Fuck the church. 

Do you think GRRM is annoyed with Benioff and Weiss for exposing how many of his big plot developments are red herrings? Ah, Young Griff, we hardly knew ye.

Yup! He ended up feeling kinda pointless at the end of the show because they opted not to include the thing that was his point.

It’s as though people are having an identity crisis or something :p

Got it, I didn’t realize it worked like that, I thought it simply had to do with years of employment.


I assume they’d get buy-in from other semi EV manufacturers to use it, much like what is happening with others now adopting Tesla’s charging standard.

He may have learned something from Classic Loki.

I honestly think that’s probably what they’re doing. It seems like they had most of the production in the can when the charges against Majors were first published—they were already doing the post-production CGI stuff—so there wasn’t a lot they could do that wouldn’t be cost-prohibitive.

In Chicago, they would just declare the building unfit for human use, yank their occupancy permit, cut off their utilities, and not allow anybody inside till he either complied or bribed the right people.