Do European countries have the equivalent of the US dealer oligarchy, or just dealers as one of many options?
Do European countries have the equivalent of the US dealer oligarchy, or just dealers as one of many options?
It’s a big temptation for EV automakers because trucks are popular in general (The Ford F-series has dominated the top of the new vehicle sales for 40+ years), and the margins are a lot higher on them as well.
I wonder what’s breaking on them.
Not the first monarch to have a real job - I still remember the King who secretly worked as a commercial pilot for years.
It effectively created an entire mode of factory production so distinctive that outside of the US, it was called “Fordism”. As you said, it really is no contest.
You can’t just compare all the jobs in the EV supply chain to the jobs at automakers themselves - you have to do a like-for-like comparison with the overall ICE supply chain, and I suspect the EV chain will have fewer jobs. That’s not even getting into stuff like EV cars potentially being usable for longer, and thus a…
It sounds like a joke to me, honestly, and he just didn’t want to do the sequel (and hasn’t watched it because he’s got plenty of other shit to do).
So what are you getting “under the hood” with an EV supercar? Are there better electric motors available than what is in regular EVs? Bigger batteries? Genuinely curious.
Tesla had pretty good margins on their cars, so price cuts just reduce that without being too brutal - the main impact is likely to be on its rather ridiculous share price. And given that they’re EVs and there are battery production subsidies, maybe they can compensate by pushing costs down as well.
the show subjected participants to extreme conditions, encouraged alcohol abuse, and was otherwise insensitive to their well-being and mental health.
But another factor, which Doud detailed in a 2021 audit, was undoubtedly what she called “excessive markups” and management fees for Urban Commons that caused costs for some of the ship repairs to balloon.
Of course, they’re going to say they’re working on Frozen 3. The Mouse needs a new animated hit!
A couple months before moving in doesn’t seem that weird, although it’s possible that they were cheating months before the rumors got out.
The show’s fine, if kind of a nothingburger - you can enjoy it as mostly empty spectacle much of the time.
Thrawn’s whole plan to deal with the Good Guys was to basically give them busywork and stall them until he was ready to leave and could just abandon them on this planet, but as soon as he’s done loading his still-unexplained cargo into the Star Destroyer, he says “nah, let’s send soldiers after them.” If he…
It’s a hope, although they’ve been trying that for decades and this will hardly be the first big contract fight that UAW has won, if they win this round.
No, but electricity is a lot cheaper - especially if you’re charging at night at home. If it’s going to cost me $8-10 to fully charge my car at home, then I might honestly pay another $2-3 per charge if it means I never have to worry about plugging it in again.
. . . Still tempting, given how easy it is.
I can’t imagine they’d do this if they didn’t think it would be more profitable.
You know how you can do wireless charging of phones by putting the phone on top of it? I want one of those, but for an EV car. Just let me drive on the pad in my garage to start charging it, instead of plugging in.