
They see total number of check outs, not a list of people who checked out the books. You can easily record popularity data of a title without patron names being attached to the record. 

The software package Chicago Public uses allows users to see their own borrowing history. I turned that "feature" off.

As a librarian I hope my colleagues are hitting him with a large stick. 

I would be surprised if the library can even access a list of students who checked out a particular book. We don’t keep records of that at all in the library where I work. Once it's turned in, I have no way to see who checked out a book in the past. 

I’ve worked at 3 different library systems, and none of them keep records of previous checkouts. Once the book is turned in, there's no way to see who checked it out previously, or what books a patron checked out in the past.

Nope. Schools librarians at the very least need to have a media specialist certification and teaching credentials. It depends on the state. It’s required for school accreditation.

In public schools, anyway, you need to have an MLIS as well as an education degree and/or teaching credential to be a school librarian.  That does not mean that you don’t find parents working as volunteers, but they would not have authority over anything.

Nope - according to the American Library Association’s bill of patron rights, only the parents can dictate what a child can or cannot read, and patrons’ records are private unless there is a subpoena (or if the Patriot Act is involved). Librarians are gently explaining this to Mr. Thaker, I am sure.

i would say “hope they have an ethical librarian at that school” but hell, they probably don’t have a librarian to fight against this horrific nightmare of a man. I hate him so much.

I’m really urging people to start paying attention to school board stuff where they are - there is some WEIRD SHIT going down! It is bad!

The Schuylkill River Trails runs through Philadelphia and then continues up through the northern suburbs of the city, and even further beyond that. A decent amount of the trail is right along the river, but some stretches veer away from the river a few hundred yards, so you feel more like you’re in the middle of the

Not too scary per se, but I was a little kid at the time of this and didn’t really get scared at all around the time. Shoot -I used to make my way to the outhouse at night if I needed to, even though the house I lived in was in a small opening in the middle of rolling wooded hills.

This is the story of the second reason I no longer enjoy being in the woods.

The Big White House


I meant to add-I took the beast back through Brompton Cemetery (sorry my hyperlink didn’t work in my first post), from the other direction a few weeks later, thinking it was really just an aberration.  It wasn’t.  The poor guy lost it again, right before the Ellen’s headstone.

I live in London, probably one of the most haunted cities around, not too far from <a href=”https://www.royalparks.org.uk/parks/brompton-cemetery?gclid=CjwKCAjwh5qLBhALEiwAioods3-ObIl9frge2P9vAwwnXIKEEWge3fMQJrsuhep8C3f_mU9ZHmxWERoCULIQAvD_BwE”>Brompton Cemetery</a>, which I use as a cut through to Earls Court or just

I have a story to tell that is not my own, it was told to me by a friend and later corroborated by her mother. This lives rent-free in my head and has for the past sixteen years.

This is a story about tulpas. I’m not any kind of expert on this but from what I understand tulpas are spiritual beings created by living

I couldn’t find where the cut off date was so fingers crossed I’m not too late! CW for suicide, harm to animals, and mention of CSA.

This is an old story, my grandfather’s story, about a hundred years old. It’s a very short one, but it’s all about the power of love.