Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope

Kills is straight up embarrassing 

I just rewatched it for the first time since it ended and he’s way worse than I remembered. He tries to rape his wife in like the first season!

I was worried about how they were going to play this off but I bought it completely. 

Take that, Nolan!

A grown adult with a Smaug tattoo mocking someone else's tattoo!

What's your arbitrary age limit where people should stop getting tattoos that they want?

Patience isn't your strong suit

I think Lalo said as much as he was menacing Gus. 

These are some real nitpicky gripes


That’s a whole lot of words to tell strangers on the internet that you don’t understand what freedom of speech means

Because you can’t wear a suit to a movie and also get stoned and laid


I don't complain about it all the time, though

Imagine being at a point in your adult life that you actually think Alec Baldwin matters more than anyone else 

Are you looking to assuage guilt about fucking your step daughter or something? Who cares which is grosser? They're both incredibly fucked up. 

Yeah, THAT'S the really unacceptable part of this whole thing 

And you always come back to complain about it 

I love this post so much 

Shold they write a dishonest review to aid in marketing strategy?