You're a mess, dude
You're a mess, dude
You're right. What does the war on Ukraine have to do with Dr. Who?
White fragility is a hell of a drug
I've never worked somewhere that had an HR dept that wouldn't do everything to bury me if I filed a complaint. They aren't really there for regular workers
If your grief overtakes you to the point that you imprison and torture a whole town, probably your grief has driven you at least a little crazy
No thanks. I’d rather watch just about anything that doesn’t have this asshole in it
The 2nd season is absolutely worth watching
She already did a bunch of blow in the original series
Fuck. I really loved this show
That's totally what I said
Liberals aren't a monolith, weirdo
You did when you opened your post by saying: There’s no such thing as “good guys” and “bad guys”.
Significant social progress always comes non-violently!
I didn't understand that either
You really make it a habit of telling people they said something that is demonstrably untrue. What the fuck is wrong with you
You're still accusing me of cheering his attack on when I've literally never said anything like it. You even ignored me when I asked you to point out where. You're arguing in bad faith, so I'm out
Coming out swinging that hard for people who don’t like Dave Chappelle sure feels like he’s defending him and saying all pro-trans people would be pro-Hitler if Hitler was trans sure feels a little anti-trans.
And what grade level is the post saying people that are against hate speech against a marginalized group are pro-Hitler?
Show me where I said he deserved it? I was responding directly to that poster’s claim that if Hitler was trans, people that don’t like Dave Chappelle would be all for the holocaust. Maybe invest in some third grade reading comprehension
Dave Chappelle is a hatemonger. That’s what people are against. You’re what if scenario is so stupid, it’s understandable why you’d rush to defend a piece of shit like Dave Chappelle