Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope

Someone totally said that, too, so your post makes perfect sense

It's still bad business to cut shows off before they're finished as often as they do

Bully with decades long history of bullying probably still bullying 

I was thinking the complaint would be about Bill Murray

Is that supposed to make me feel bad for those awful people?

Any sympathy for what Kim did to the Kettleman's is absolutely baffling to me.

Because greedy rich people totally don't want more money once they hit a certain amount 

I'd also be proud of a game that launched in such a bad state, it was removed from the PS store

I'd think you'd be more irked that something you worked so hard on was released in such embarrassing shape in the first place 

It sounds like you just want to be able to call people awful shit with no consequences 

The one where he can call people whatever he wants with no consequences 

He’s never come across to me as off the rails or not lucid

Weird nerds are not a monolith, jocko


Why do so many goddamn grown adults not understand that being banned for violating a company's terms of service isn't in any way a threat to your freedom of speech? 

I really can't tell if you're kidding 

Why are you talking to this violent, racist piece of shit 


Andrew has almost certainly tried to pressure uninterested women into watching him masturbate

And there it is. You don't care about misogyny. You just can't control your emotions and desperately want it to be okay for you to react violently when people say things that make you upset