Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope

You are the most fragile white baby. You're really embarrassing yourself.  Stop it.


Why are you upset that someone called white supremacists crackers?

Are you really suggesting white people are being marginalized? Like, for real?

Your white fragility is embarrassing 

This reminds me of when FB banned me for calling Axl Rose white trash and then told me the post I reported that said all middle eastern children should be executed because they're all future terrorists didn't violate their community standards 


It would be weird if it wasn't mentioned in this article, though

Im finally making my way through Bloodborne. Almost to the end 

Yep. Companies should totally be able to work their workers to death and cut their salaries. You are impressively ignorant, un-self-aware and ugly-hearted

You should probably reevaluate everything you believe if you think any modern war started by this country is acceptable. What a horrifying thing to say

It's really not a stretch like at all

Obviously I think Gaetz should go to jail for the rest of his life. I just don’t understand what he has to do with Smollett. Yeah, our justice system is fucked up but Smollett did a really shitty thing and deserves his punishment. Also, as someone already noted, Gaetz is currently under investigation 


I’m going to guess you’re the kind of person that points to someone else that’s worse as an excuse for your own poor behavior

What boggles my mind is adults reacting to stuff like this by saying but Trump/Gaetz/whoever did worse shit than Smollett like that is some kind of an excuse for what he did

Except, I'm not saying Ram is objectively better. I like it better but know full well my opinion isn't objective fact. You're using an album's popularity to say your opinion is objectively true. No matter how many people agree with you, it isn't 

It always blows me away when grown adults haven't grasped the basics of objectivity vs subjectivity.  Marvel movies are more commercially and critically successful than most or all of David Lynch's work. So Marvel movies must be objectively better since everyone knows there's a direct correlation between popularity

Yeah, I meant mostly their games are repetitive, bloated garbage. This helps reinforce that

I'm pretty sure I'll never play an Ubisoft game again