
I need one of those that plays X-wing.

@joshcantread: Not to mention Tron is in the prequel comic and looks a lot like Rinzler except blue and without the helmet.

Not surprised at all. You really need to be of a certain mind to enjoy the movie, and appreciate it for what it is and the era its from.

@Some_Guy2: Because if you want crappy music you get Guitar Hero.

@gods-n-clods: or gasp! its a mistake. get a life, even famous people make them.

@Twisk: They do, but its still a pretty huge technology step forward. Its still believable for what it is, but still definitely fake.

@Petrodon: Yeah, I'm fairly certain this will happen, my money is on he's the character "Rinzler" who has the same four square design on his chest that Tron did.

I wanna hear Frank Welker doing Megatron before I jump on board for another TF cartoon. That will get me excited.

Yeah well I still can't get over the fact that he's the guy from National Lampoon's Senior Trip...

@Deadp00l: Yeah but they have to sell the movie to normal people

@OutlawDominus: Sorry to hear that you and your friends suck.

@DrZaius: Batman:TAS for sure. I'd say the whole Bruce Timm DC universe personally.

@Nivenus: Yeah... I'm actually intrigued by this. I just wonder how long this will last until it goes back to the status quo. Its DC, I little faith in that not being inevitable.

Wait. I thought Star Wars was the story of Wedge Antilles... shit I was WAY off.

@rudecherub: Get Emperor Joker. Its just a really fun story.

@edicius: I'm with you. Voyager was TERRIBLE and why I stopped watching Star Trek for 10 years. Recently I started rewatching Treks and I still can't stand Voyager but Enterprise really isn't bad at all. Yeah its got a few quirks and a slow start but it blows Voyager out of the water.

Lol if you think the Holiday Special is cool for any reason, your opinion is hereby invalidated.

@DocSeuss: If you need a semi automatic rifle to hunt, you're a shitty hunter.