
Saying Havok is a minor X-men character is like saying, "Hi, all I know about X-men is from watching the Fox cartoon."

Sorry, but I'm not a fan of this intro. I appreciate the kitchy retro feel but for Firefly its just wrong.

Don't you get it?! This is the first cast picture of the Avengers!

@Byers: what exactly did you expect?

@Kitradu: I'd say that's a part of it. Toonami did a great job of getting anime at least some mainstream exposure.

I don't know. I look over stuff at the book store or at the video store and I just don't see anything interesting.

@Jeyl: That seems to be pretty prevalent for anything other than Star Wars and Wheadon stuff.

@Derangel: Its for multiplayer so it really doesn't matter.

@ectocooler: bad futurama is better than no futurama.

So what you're tying to tell me is that if I get cancer, I can join the X-men? SIGN ME UP.

@Soupytwist: no its more like those ladies who are like 40-50 but stuck in the 80s with their poofy hair. Yeah that's where Jim Lee's design skills are, except stuck in the 90s.

Well lets talk about iconic costumes that have been successfully replaced.

@Mommar: what do you expect, its designed by the same guy?

On top of what's been stated:

@pz: That's my big qualm with the whole service.

You'd think after the dismal failure that was faceplates for the GH3 guitar they'd have learned that overall, there's not a lot of market for this kind of stuff.

Wait. Full runs of SNL? Seriously all of SNL or just recent stuff?

@Szin: Same here. I was reeeeeeally surprised just how hilarious it ended up.

@thekeith82: You put waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much thought into a movie called Hot Top Time Machine.