@goldenroad: Life During Wartime would be exceptional.
@goldenroad: Life During Wartime would be exceptional.
@Mastrix: I'm with you.
I need a star wars arcade cabinet for my Luke Skywalker!
@Archaotic: or Guy Gardner
@High Speed Indeed: Gameboy I believe.
@(Zombie) Jolan: I do. You want a good book, read Clone Wars: No Prisoners.
@mister5000: TBH, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't leave the lantern corps out until they can make an expansion for it to tie into the movie. With all these new lantern corps that would be fine content for a whole expansion.
Goddamn, I'm not afraid to admit it, I have a mancrush on Nathan Fillion. SOLD!
@chronomasakari: that was a great show too. I loooooved the ghost designs.
@Witzbold: you should see the original design for peter. looked a hell of a lot more like 80s Bill Murray than what we got.
Meh black guitars are a nickle a dozen and boring as fuck. At least a bright orange guitar is DIFFERENT. Not the color I would have chozen (red) but its different.
Dudes, its likely like netflix, if you don't want it, don't install it.
@curly haired boy: Doesn't this NOT have monthly fees?
@Fallible.: nope. you fail.
Actually the game is Guitar Hero: Stan Bush.
Give me Hot Rod and you're sold.
@Brain.wav: Thats because Cheap Trick is the greatest band to ever exist.
@Sthompson: nope but I remember seeing an article recently that they still make the flavor but its been renamed and its orange.
Don't forget this is also the guy who wrote CADDYSHACK. Harold Ramis is a legend.