
Well, I would narrowly lean toward Better off Dead, but I certainly would not fight over it. But while How I Got into College definitely ranks third on the list, even that movie offers an embarrassment of riches for Holland connoisseurs.

Better off Dead on Blu-ray is enough of a reason in and of itself to justify spending the money on an Oppo BDP-205.

Oh my God, a Criterion Savage Steve Holland boxed set would make their Three Colors box look like rubbish in comparison.

I had a conversation with someone on a Facebook page who said that he went to high school where they shot One Crazy Summer, and was an extra in the movie. He posted aa snapshot of himself with Holland taken during the production. I told him, without a trace of irony, that he is now my personal hero.

It is on Blu-ray, however, and worth every penny.

Any ice crystals on the bottom or sides of a frozen pizza could have unpleasant results when they kiss a 500° skillet. Practice safe scientific testing.

I don’t know about that, but we love our girls. One has Cushings, and is on chemo drugs (plus a few other things,) one has stomach issues and has to eat special food, and the fourth one has sensitive skin and we have to treat her for hot spots all the time. It is all money well spent.

Three years ago last December, at about 3:00 a.m., one of our four dogs got hit by a car. (I was going to say “four girls” like we do at home, but realized that it would sound even worse!) We drove her forty miles to the nearest 24 hr. animal hospital and steeled ourselves for the worst. She had severe head trauma, a

I think that if you did a survey among most “common folk,” you would find that far too many people gauge their tax rate by the size of their refund. They really do not know how much they actually pay in taxes. Instead, if they get a bigger refund, they think that they paid less in taxes. And in far too many of those

Good luck with your new career!

It is not a matter of hourly with the ones that I have used; just complexity. Like I said, many years we have only paid $150. As our taxes have gotten more complex, that has doubled, but I do not doubt that it would go back down again if we simplified our lives again.

It varies widely depending on the complexity of your return. Plus, the preparers themselves can be all over the map. We have paid as little as $150, but the last couple of years it has been at least double that. Last year will be on the upper end — we sold our primary residence; bought another; bought a rental home;

What animals are not? (Rhetorical question.)

I just walked out of accomplishing the unlisted step: go to your CPA and plop a half ton of paperwork on her desk.

“Burnsville (motto: ‘Sorry we make traffic on 94 so crappy every day, it really does seem like an outsized influence compared to our population’ )“

I was rather fond of:

I was hoping that you were kidding. Now I am even more depressed. Thompson & Trump are not a combination which will benefit anyone.

My breaking point (after having wavered for the entire run up to that point) was the whole Beth arc in season 5. After having her vanish for two seasons, they finally bring her back, only to waste a good chunk of season five on an elaborate rescue plot, only to kill her anyway at the end. If you are going to kill a