
Have any of you other RS peeps scheduled your recall fix yet? Mine is still sitting in the garage waiting for warm enough weather to safely drive on the Sport Cup 2s. It has been a brutally cold winter up here. (Buying winter wheels just did not work out for me this year, and since I drive a company vehicle I do not

Blame me for the lack of blue:

It actually took me a split second to realize that he was NOT talking about Ted.

I just went and downloaded it, too late.

Like I mentioned to someone else, hopefully there are no cameras in this particular car wash. Otherwise, the employees at the c-store will definitely have one for the highlight reel.

Well, as unpleasant as the whole car wash thing was, having both my legs crushed the week before would have been much worse. Replacing a broken car door is pretty insignificant in comparison. Plus, fleet insurance, so I am out nothing. I did not even have to report for any drug testing because my car was not moving at

In my case, it helped that it took long enough for the window to go back up that I got the soapy blast first, then got it rinsed off.

I am hoping that there was no camera inside that particular car wash. I went into the c-store afterwards to borrow some towels to clean up, so if there was a camera, the employees probably have it on repeat right now.

They are going to replace the entire door. Needless to say, I will not be washing the car again until that happens.

I can vouch for how much water can get trapped inside a car. . .

I was not making any implications. If you inferred that from anything that I said, then I am sorry for the miscommunication. Trump & his cronies are the ones who are dictating choice here (though I see some liberals who are skating dangerously close by agreeing with the sentiment, though not the implementation. But I

You offered an alternative solution and specifically said “What if we. . . “ So I responded to you and said that was getting warmer, and explained why I felt so. You asked a question, and I answered. Are you bothered that I answered your question and essentially agreed with the direction that you were taking things?

I hope that I was clear that I used your comment as a launching point, and was not speaking about you directly after that.

You are getting a little warmer there. That is more of a positive incentive, rather than dictating choice. One of the difficulties with healthful eating in lower income brackets is of course how damned expensive produce & other quality foods are, while macaroni & cheese is cheap. I am personally a lot more comfortable

You are creating an entire string of straw men while simultaneously accusing others of making straw men arguments. Something triggered you, and I apologize for that, because you are projecting an increasing level of detail that was never in my post. You are arguing both sides, and I while I usually appreciate help, I

Not confusing at all. But regardless of how it is phrased, using SNAP to force dietary choices on the economically disadvantaged while simultaneously leaving the wealthy to make their own dietary choices is problematic. It is paternalistic in all the wrong ways, even if it is done with good intentions. Like I said,

Of course many people are stupid. But you cannot legally make stupid people smart. Legally compelling people to make smart choices may be acceptable in some areas, but it is not in others, and there has to be a line. And yes, that line is a fluid, elusive little bastard, but some things are more clearly on one side of

You appear to consider yourself the Voice of Liberalism, which is unfortunate, because you have confused liberalism with authoritarianism. You also must not spend too much time outside your authoritarian bubble, because if you talked to any real people yourself, you would discover an entire class of people called

My wife (who thankfully never killed anyone while she was driving back in her drinking days) just picked up her fourteen year medallion last month. Could not be prouder of her.