
No, I'm not saying this is exactly how the numbers were shared but it does give a picture of one of the grim possibilities, I would speculate they sold, a good half a million in US alone, and a lackluster ~33/34K in rest of the countries, its still not good.

Really my PS4 must be special to be able to do it, and I understand you're being skeptical, especially since its cheaper, why would a cheaper system out do a expensive one. ;)

Sure, and you can do that on the PS4 too, and yes for a good $100 less, sorry had to do it :)

Well lets take the numbers in perspective then, the already available numbers, say we do an average?

Please elaborate on more advanced cloud use..

Sorry, Xbox lost, people won, and PS4 has been and it continues to win.

Sir, Xbox One will fail like Wii U, and I'd like to come back to this post a year later and see how it went, I'm an analyst for a company, I really am not finding very many reasons, to see it being successful, UNLESS, Microsoft takes a U turn, and drops the 24hr check and Used games DRM, which I really think will

They didn't charge for PS3, but for a better experience, I won't mind paying them, but here is the best part, I can still not pay, but not get restricted to watch Netflix, this is still better then Gold

Very well said!

I'm totally there with you, bought my 60gb PS3 in May '06, its been working the same way since then, thats 7yrs, and I know people who had as many as 8 replacements for their xbox 360. I'm confident, that my PS4 will last me atleast 4-5 yrs, and that will be good enough for me.

I dont see this competing very well, at all with the iPad, at that price point, I don't think people would give up a iPad for this, nope not happening.

At this price point it should have had a screen comparable to the iPad, with the resolution it sports, its going to be far far away from it, and this for me is the deal breaker. Lets be fair a big selling point of the $500 iPad is its gorgeous screen and I find it sad that Microsoft is competing at that price with

Its usually the case here too except, we dont have an option to select an unlocked phone in the store anymore suggesting at least for the next few days there wont be unlocked iPhone 5's.

Yep, nothing at lunch.

There is one other problem, there aren't unlocked iPhone 5's on lunch.