That might be the best response on this website.
That might be the best response on this website.
I was able to make it 30 seconds.
ok....we are laughing at them both.
Rex Ryan does what he wants, when he want, and how he wants. He is a vagabond of the western world. We are to praise his maverick attitude and sing his praises to all who want to know of the good people in this mortal coil.
It's not Romo's failure that we are happy about... It's really that we are laughing at Jerry.
They are all going to be parents one day. I fear for our future.
It's Indiana. She most likely was doing meth.
Roger Goodell with a boner. A visual I did not need waking up today.
Those commentators tho...
I always knew that Tom Landry was a man pure of heart. Good man. Go Giants!
Valid point.
Rose colored glasses on both cities. They are toilets where bottom feeders dwell. Good day good sir.
He's a great QB. However, his legacy will be that of... Dan Fouts. The culture of the 24/7 sports news cycle sole focus on a QB is the ring. He's gotta get one. It shouldn't be that hard, Joe Flacco has one.
Imagine having to chose between Cleveland & Boston as a place to live. Scary.
This might be the greatest Night Ranger tribute ever.
Really? Shocker.