
I like getting old. I'm 33.5 now and it feels like I'm just starting ripen into the person I always wished I was. When I was in my 20's I was smarter because I was learning how the world works and I had to stay on my toes - now that I know how everything works I get to study trends on a greater scale. As an artist

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I was surprised that the TMNT movie from imagi studios didn't do too well, as I had rather enjoyed that movie. I would have loved to see a sequel to TMNT, or a live-action that was closer to the original movie, than what Michael Bay seems ready to deliver.

I'm here for everyone on the Kotak if you guys ever need someone to talk to. My door is always open.

Titanfall (Xbox One, PC, Xbox 360)

It's like that scene in The Dark Knight where the guy in the courtroom tries to shoot Harvey Dent, except the gun that doesn't work is grammar.

This is the pitfall of DeviantArt - it's an asspat festival. People form into little self-congratulatory cliques so they think they're absolutely perfect and wonderful.

Didn't mean to offend hue.

Evan, normally I love your reviews but you did a severe injustice to KI with this. You missed out on key things.

Thank you for this...

I went through a rough period a few years back...damn, I guess it was 2000, so many years back. Had barely any money, was jobless. Those $1.00 chicken nuggets saved my life. I ate them all the freaking time.

This is Dog Fort. They've begun their attack. We need the team now more than ever.

I thought I'd chime in and add to how important it is to be careful with polyphasic sleep.