I Think We're Property

I'm almost tempted solely for the reason that almost no 360 games allow you to custom map controls. I mean, seriously, I understand you want to Keep It Simple Stupid for the lowest common denominator console crowd, but how hard would it be to allow us to custom map our controls rather than just choose from half a

@Kobun: Because Airplane was funny, and Top Secret wasn't?

I'm a long time RPG fan, and I've been watching Spoony's videos on the Ultima series. Its obvious that he loves the hell out of those games... but the only conclusion I've been able to reach from watching those videos is that those games were fucking bullshit that only seemed good at the time because there wasn't

@Lite: an adventurer is me!: Thank you for highlighting that commonly held misconception! In fact, this is something that Guidos must acquire from their environment- much as how hermit crabs actually acquire their trademark shells from dead snails, rather than growing them themselves.

@Lite: an adventurer is me!: Well, you'd probably still want to include some oil, as well. Guidos thrive in oil-rich environments, since they need it for their hair- which is itself a key element in their reproductive cycle.

Spencer: "You see that? That ground right there? I want you to run yourself into that as quickly as possible. Thanks."

@Lite: an adventurer is me!: Something to set all the oil on fire, turning your coastline into the shores of hell, and allowing the landing boats to make very dramatic entrances?

I wonder if one day we'll have ships like this cruising the oceans and harvesting deuterium.

@laylaholic: A ship that's 458m long and named "Viking" really ought to have more heavy weapons emplacements.

I would have to go with drop shield. The ability to immediately regenerate all injury would make health insurance irrelevant.

Dear US Corn Lobby:

@James Wood: Studies in lab animals have shown, however, that HFCS promotes a much higher rate of obesity for the same amount of caloric intake when compared to cane or beet sugar. Coincidentally, the US, with its massive corn subsidies allowing HFCS to have a monopoly on the sweetener market, has a much higher

I like Nelson and Coupland, but I think that Alice looks like nothing but the already increasingly tired and cheesy ARG bullshit that would only hinder a narrative if you tried to make the narrative rely on it. Receiving text messages from the characters? Way to break the fourth wall, in a method with about the same

He's getting a lot of energy built up, but it looks like he's having a lot of efficiency problems applying that energy to the projectile. For 1.25 kJ, you'd think he'd be getting much better penetration.

I'm not sure if its the "best" per se, but I feel like this list needs Pong on it. Pong is basically a one-celled animal compared to modern games, but that's the thing- as the first game to bring the entire concept of videogames into mainstream consciousness (and start the first videogame craze, before Pac Man and

Samuel L. Jackson is here with some serious questions about your ability to speak the English language.

This reminds me of when they used tapeworms as diet solutions back in the 1800's. Its like you're eating 10-20% less! (Warningsideeffectsmayincludeab...)

@Badlands99: Yeah, you mean like he functionality they paid for when they bought the entire damn chip, but with part of the hardware artificially locked?

I'm thinking of getting either an iPhone 4 or a WP7 phone later this year or early next year... but for now, I still use a Razor V3 that I bought years ago.