I Think We're Property

@michael: "Liberty" is freedom from restriction, obligation, or hampering. So, the ability to travel between state lines without travel papers or whatehaveyou would be a "liberty". Privacy would more be defined as a "right", I think- although it seems to be weakly protected in the US, in any case, if paparazzi and

@Martín Henderson: Just to continue being the Devil's Advocate, isn't this technically more "surveillance" than "search"?

@Baby Beater Benz: Well, technically its privacy being sacrificed, not liberty. Not that I necessarily like it, but just sayin'.

I think Ripley is more of the Everyman, myself. She was just an interstellar truck driver who, after she first encountered the Aliens, just kept getting into one worse situation after another, and was just focused on surviving them and keeping as many people around her alive as possible. Exploration really wasn't her

@mattycakes: I prefer Huey Lewis and the News. Their hit album "Fore!" is defined by the song "Hip to be Square", which is an entertaining commentary on the nature of growing up in a materialistic society.

This sounds like its ready to become material for Ron White's next "You can't fix stupid" tour.

@blyan: On the other hand, if you could somehow quickly shear off the end of the can (preferably in an overall wedge shape), it might be effective. I've known some guys who like making tin can origami, and they can attest to the fact that those edges can get pretty sharp.

@domhnall: ... unless Joe Average was a Scientologist, in which case they'd say he shouldn't have been taking anything more than vitamins, and blame psychiatrists. And thetans.

@AFXisgreat: No, but I'm sure a lot of people are willing to find out if he can regenerate a hand, too.

@L3G10N: You're absolutely right. I mean, they said they're not blaming the game, they're just trying to establish a link. I mean, if he went home and, say, started watching football on TV, I'm sure the quotes would go like this-

@bakana: You're totally right. I mean, it would be like this, right?

@interkin3tic: I was unpopular and wore a dark trenchcoat in high school. People kept being suspecting me of being a potential serial killer or spree shooter. The school counselor was ordered to talk to me once or twice. I really should have tried to meet their expectations.

@kyzur: I was going to post a video of Solid Snake choking out a guard and then repeatedly "grabbing" him, but for some reason I couldn't find it on youtube.

@domhnall: Actually, there's a very interesting contrast between the alcohol example and the drugs example.

@YummyCyanide: Unfortunately, because of how she ruined her skin with all that fake tan, she isn't really a good "woman suit" candidate anymore.

@complextinction: Yeah, I hate that crap. And half the time, its because people are so ignorant that they can't tell a plumbing fixture from a handgun, and so fearful that they react to someone carrying a swiss army knife to about the same degree that you or I might react to someone carrying a chainsaw.

@leonardlow: True. And, in fact, it'll have to be- in California, my home state, everything remotely gun-like that is not an outright weapon is legally required to have at least an inch-long orange tip.

My God. And people complained about the black Sega lightgun for the Master System/Genesis. This is a controller that will get you killed, or at least a significant police response.

@XForce: Yeah, but its been millennia since he's made enough of a streak to call in a gunship.