
I read that as unhinged diabetes.

Pussification of America?

I have a friend that has been on this diet since February and he’s doing great. Lost like 35 lbs his cholesterol went down 50 points, triglycerides down 240. and LDL down 20 points. I try to explain that it’s not do to not eating vegs. but not eat carbs and processed food but he feels better than he had in a long time

Ha, actually I was referencing the band. Just kidding.

Beliefs, is that better?

So what you want is for actors to not act anymore? No more learning and transforming into their character, adjusting to the difficulties of playing said character and translating the end result to the audience with empathy or whatever emotional response is most appropriate, nope, only a person exactly as described on

So what you want is for actors to not act anymore? No more learning and transforming into their character, adjusting to the difficulties of playing said character and translating the end result to the audience with empathy or whatever emotional response is most appropriate, nope, only a person exactly as described on

So what you want is for actors to not act anymore? No more learning and transforming into their character, adjusting to the difficulties of playing said character and translating the end result to the audience with empathy or whatever emotional response is most appropriate, nope, only a person exactly as described on

Imagine if someone wrote “Garbage black youtubers”

Why is the Left siding with the restaurant? Isn’t this what you’re fighting against? To not be allowed to refuse service based on your personal beliefs about someone else? Most sights I read are saying fuck the Huckabees!! So it’s okay if YOU think it’s okay. Bullshit.

This should never, ever happen.

She killed him. We all know this, right?

So gay men carry purses? Who’s being homophobic?

Yeah exactly! Why is it okay to point out a wrong and say “well since they’re doing it, I’ll do it to.” Wrong is wrong.

Uhhh everything is taxed. How is taxation unfair?

So like a gay couple choosing a non-christian bakery for their cake, right?

So what if the painting had her holding a cross?

Just imagine them in their underwear. Or is that for something else?

Until they shoot up your nightclub.