I'm Out Like a Trout, Gawker

The Akira motorcycle.

Protip: Always cover your PIN pad very well with your other hand, a magazine or whatever while entering the PIN. That way the camera can't grab your PIN.

@grzydj: unfortunately most of those places now place a $20 limit on cash withdrawal from debit cards.

@LPscuderiaSV: hmm, guess i'm in the minority here, i saw one on the road a few months back and really liked it.

@Netscott: i got tired of replacing them for leaky seals. those rubber gaskets wear out quick from the heat and pressure.

I highly recommend the Spears & Munsil line of calibration / benchmarking Blu-Rays. They are around $20 and very very good.

Chevy HHR. got one as a rental once and wanted to drive it off a bridge. Ugly, slow, uncomfortable, terrible visibility, utter garbage interior. Even for the cheapest rental, it astonished me at how bad a car could be. I can't imagine what person could take one for a test drive and think to themselves "I love this car

@The Lab: I've been away with the holiday so I just read this now. Thanks for following up, this is really helpful (after a few times over to digest it :)

I think i'm in exactly the the same place blam was in just prior to going all-in on the Sonos system.

Pros: none.

@PossibleCabbage: and not only ice cold, but with proper dilution. a good cocktail is all about balance, and water (about 1 oz per cocktail) is a very crucial ingredient, which comes from the melting ice as you stir the martini to chill and dilute. without the ice water, it is just a glass of gin, not a cocktail,

@etoucan: a proper martini is gin!

@The Lab: Thanks for posting such an informative explanation of their methods. i've been wanting to get my dna analyzed for a while now for a specific reason, i think i'll wait until true sequencing techniques are being used cheaply in another few years.

wait, so they did this experiment with only one package each?

that in The Year 2000, we'd all be driving flying cars

@Buckus: got it. thanks for the insight. sounds like it's not far off at all from the US motorcycle magazine choices.

@geistkoenig: Thanks, that's really helpful. Coming from the motorcycle world, the same is true. UK mags are much better, about three times thicker but one fourth the ads, content is much more informed, and more useful. The US mags' features on models are typically just brochure copy from the PR dept, spec

@Buckus: just curious, what do you think is the best automotive magazine in the states? i'm looking to subscribe soon and so far motor trend and C & D seem to be the most popular, and they both seem like big adverts moreso than objective journalism... looking for recommendations. thanks

@wajoyner001: cellular. it's partnered with some provider. it will be no monthly fees if you receive ads for services (likely based on your car, like "hey, time for an oil change, here's a a coupon at brandX!"