
He lost a bet with Ben. That's my take.

Do you think they use tampons? I used to feel so gross when I tried to replace them after coming out of the pool.

Can we cut Huddleston a break here? He’s a 35 year old British man—they are famous for being undemonstrative and unemotional. And he’s in the middle of some of the worst kind of media scrutiny. No one on their right mind is going to pull a Tom Cruise to try and “prove” the relationship is real under those conditions.

I am firmly Team No One And Get Off My Social Media, Children.

that is not how physics works

Right? I’m loving her! Bonus: good role model for my girls! The commentators were talking about how she didn’t make it into a swim club the first time she tried out. And now she’s a freaking high school student with three medals. My 7 year old is just in awe.

I feel that. I’ve also given up on today. I’m currently building a ‘make your own pizza’ online order that I will pull the trigger on right as I leave work so that I will be greeted by a large pepperoni situation shortly after I arrive at home. #blessed

Seriously, the North Koreans who messed up their synchro dive. You have to wonder how well that goes over back home.

And the rest of the world: “Aww, America is so fucked right now. But they can still sport good. That’s swell that they still have something going for them. They must be so proud.”

You don’t have to, you can also stand there with your hands held in front or behind you. Gabby just can’t ever do right my Twitter, her hair isn’t right, her hands aren’t right, her skin isn’t right. She just keeps on doing her thing, winning gold.

Right? My kids too! My three year old does not need to be in coochie-cutters, Target!

I just call new women’s shorts that are available for my purchase “thong diapers” now. It reminds me to give up difinitively and not be seduced back into the vicious cycle. In agreement with, cut up old pants= summer wardrobe solved.

This summers jean shorts... are a whole lot shorter than the ones she made unless you shop men’s shorts.

Hah. Not only are they getting smaller, they keep doing that thing where they make the waist bigger, and do not increase the inseam at all. I’m sorry, but if you are a size 18-20 like me, you are going to need more than a 2-inch inseam.

“There is no shame in finally breaking down and making your own jean shorts because last summer’s are just too dang short for this summer’s thighs.” Thank you Anne Hathaway. Although 1) she can certainly afford new shorts, and 2) This Summer’s Thighs is my new band. Tip your bartenders!

I like that Orlando Bloom seems super into Katy Perry, but if my partner grabbed my breasts like that in public

My kid has been more stoked about this movie than he was for Secret Life of Pets. We are going on Tuesday for our weekly night out. Kids have no taste and I’m okay with it. He can be a cynical cinematic snob in twenty years. For now, I’ll just enjoy hearing those giggles about a cranky cat-man.

I would pay money to watch to tell this story to Gene Simmons, live. I feel like he would get a real kick out of it.