
Yeah, in writing I urge my students to be as precise as they can when articulating a point, but when it comes to speaking in class or informal assignments, I’m not concerned with how they preface their ideas unless it’s clear that there’s some sort of problem. And I absolutely agree that you can build upon your

I feel strongly that you make a great point. ;-)

I use that phrase all the time. And I've never thought about it till now, but it's true that I use it more in situations where I feel outnumbered, where I feel like an outsider.

hmm I haven’t noticed that and I’m definitely a fan of Amy’s. But I know what you mean when it comes to the winds of change on who they like and dislike.

It could be representing a family with prior marriages in the picture. The family that posted their solidarity to old navy had 3 white kids and a black dad, so she got her kids from a former marriage.

I don’t know you, but I love you. It was the hashtags.

yes exactly it’s like they become objects to be desired and achieved not people and it makes me really sad

Not sure what’s a bigger life goal for me: get invited and attend a White House Correspondents Dinner, or get a selfie with Bill Nye.

I know you’re feeling piled on, but I was just trying to provide some additional context. It’s not just “established vs up and coming,” there are other factors that go into it as well. FWIW, I didn’t think you sounded like a stalker, just enthusiastic.

I agree with you, but it was still disappointing. I think it’s an interesting example of how someone wants to (or needs to) interact with fans when his career is taking off vs when he is established.

Okay, but how she looked is still not relevant to whether or not it’s okay for her to try to force a kiss on an unwilling person. Her self-esteem or lack thereof is not relevant to whether or not it’s okay for her to try to force a kiss on an unwilling person. Whether or not she had lots of sex or no sex or anything

Is it raining? Is it cold? Is it baking hot? Did the actor just spend an hour getting out of uncomfortable makeup and is bone-tired and feels like he may have a cold coming on and needs to save his voice and just wants to go off the clock and be a civilian and go home and sleep, but still has to face getting on the

I get it, and I adore Branagh, but “just 10 minutes here” and another 15 there...when does it end? It’s like when your boss says you might have to stay late or come in on Saturday. Branagh’s job may be more glamorous and better paid but at some point he would probably just like to get home.

Honest to god, being near Hollywood doesn’t mean sexual assault is worse if it’s an ugly person doing it.

“If they want to put limits on how they interact with them, it’s their right.”

What does “least attractive” have to do with it? Would it have been less creepy and wrong if the girl was pretty?

That is freaking insane. She’s not more mad at the hospital for making the mix up and instead is focusing on the fact her baby got some formula. Both of those women have been wronged by the hospital but she thinks she should go after the other woman. And people are supporting this illogical thinking? Jesus.

Huh? I can’t think of anything in this or yesterday’s article that wasn’t (correctly) characterizing her as being in the right.

A few weeks ago, I read an article by a woman who was a big fan of Matthew Perry. She went to see his play and waited by the stage door to met him. This took hours. When she finally saw him, he rushed past and said he wasn’t signing autographs. She was so disappointed and upset with him. I can understand her feelings