He was already fairly buff. He got lean.
Why charge at all. Make the battery packs removable and just drive onto a robot that removes your depleted pack and replaces it with a fully-charged one. 120 seconds later and you have a fully-charged car, ready to go!
We don’t refill our propane bottles for our grills. We just exchange them for full bottles at the…
There aren’t many clean ones left at all. These last forever. When the apocalypse subsides, there will be nothing left running but Land Cruisers, 4 Runners, Acura Legends, Assorted Lexus (Lexii?) from the mid 90's, and because the almighty has a sense of humor, a random Maserati Biturbo.
Is the lander going to build settlements and push the native moon men off their land?
Still not reliable as a Chevy.*
One more:
If this happens, they’ll need to introduce a massive re-education campaign. American drivers don’t have the same discipline (and courtesy) that German drivers do.
Seriously, where is literally the other half of this article?
“was discovered” where? why? how? what happened over the decades? More details please?
I’m driving westbound on 66 this morning out of DC, and while everyone in the right lane is doing 60mph, one guy is going 55 in the left. Everyone else in the left lane is doing 70+, but this guy has force everyone to bottleneck up behind him in the left lane. Then he flashes me when I pass and get back in the left…
Living in LA, people who fail to go when the light goes green. That hesitation (mostly due to texting I believe) means one or two cars on the other end don’t make that signal, and just add to next queue.
It bugs the hell out of me when other people are on the road when I am. The nerve.
It’s funny because Xennials and younger like Russia in both it’s actual culture and meme formats, but the media is like “nah Russia is 98% Putin and bad stuff”.
Did you just victim blame a highway?
Let people be. I've hit those speeds.
Saw a Yugo towing a Golf in Sarajevo
Leave Yugo alone! They were not bad cars, they were just absurdly cheap cars. The new MSRP on them was under $4000. The reason they carry such a pariah reputation is because the interior sucks (hey, remember when this site published an article on why reviews of the Mitsubishi Mirage were wrong to shit on it for poor…
“My savings are zilch and my debt is high. I will likely have to dig into my retirement account to cover a down payment”
Everyone is ragging on this dude, but I kind of feel like he just accidentally fell asleep on a long, boring drive and didn’t die because the car was driving itself.