
I mean this doesn’t even qualify as a spoiler:

Zenvo TSR-S. I know it’s not exactly a car you can just go and buy, but have you seen this thing in action? Crazy.

thats super cool, but the coolest Lambo never built was the Italdesign Cala

Cool, I was wondering where those new articles on Deadspin were coming from.

This is awesome. Some day in the future, humans may actually be able to see out of Camaros.

I know this is meant as an intellectually dishonest defense of Tesla, but I think your understanding of the relationship between flash and SSD’s is misinformed.

How much to sleep standing up in someone’s driveway?

So we are against street racing unless it’s a across the country?

“If he fought a guy bigger than him, he would lose.

With the traffic you’ll have to deal with we all know that it’s going to go more like this:

Goddamn that is a sweet looking race car.

Before anyone else chimes in with this “platform is ancient” I counter with:

Brexit: another russian funded disruptor enabled by virulent rascism , nationalism and xenophobia. The naked expression of rascism in the UK is awful even by US standards where, before Trump, open ugly expression was somewhat tempered. Probably on par at this point.

It’s nice to see that British American people can be just as racist as Americans the British.

Well, a Brazilian company. Ay caramba!

Maybe they should slow down a little bit !

They’ve gotten worse too especially in regards to the large numbers of Chinese immigrants coming into the country especially in Vancouver.

The real tea is that White Canadians, especially the Quebecois, are some of the most low-key racist people I’ve ever lived and worked around. The only difference between them and the American Whites is that they manage to hide their utter contempt for Black and Brown people a little better.

This is a bullshit answer. I knew that there would be a comment like this here.