Dr._Philtrum, RN

The only positive about Trump is he’s going to piss off everyone and they won’t want to work with him.

Me, too, man — I really hate crowds, but I’d do it for some sweet Soros ca-ching.

According to far right it’s all Soros funded. I want a piece of that protester cash but only if they have a 401K.

LBJ had evidence that Nixon’s campaign had interfered with the Paris peace accords, but he couldn’t prosecute him during an election without risking charges that he was killing American democracy by, you know, arresting political opponents. Those people in Nixon’s camp went on to work for Reagan, who illegally

It’s a good - and frightening - point. Despite this, I think the Dems are gonna do to Trump what the GOP did to Bill Clinton, namely crawl up his ass with a microscope, amplify all of his previous baggage, keep his fraud trial in the forefront, and delve into his sketchy finances until the fucker is somehow

I think that’s the first stage because it was the first thing I did when Virginia looked close.

Forget just the first few days after the election — displays of displeasure against the administration are a constant! Dude, you’re going to be publicly criticized by someone *every single day.* You should have asked Obama what that’s like when you were makin’ nice with him at the House of White today.

This is why I laugh with an ironic head toss and then take a swig from a bottle of vodka when people say his foreign policy will be okay because he’ll have advisers. He’s never ever listened to his advisers.

Exactly, he won. Can’t he stop being such a fucking egomaniac for a moment and realize that it’s perfectly fucking normal for some people to be unhappy about the guy who won? No matter who wins? Like even in his arrogant mind where he doesn’t realize he’s the biggest piece of human garbage who has been elected

Because Roger Ailes still owns controlling shares in Fox News, and there isn’t a American mainstream media outlet that isn’t majority-owned by some other billionaire ... and it’s not necessarily in their “best” interests to actually let the Fourth Estate work like it’s supposed to ...?

He doesn’t want the presidency. He wants adulation for his ego trip.

Ugh. What comes after bargaining? If it’s alcoholism and starting to smoke again, that’s the stage I’m in.

I don’t think you’re projecting.

I mean, the guy WON the fucking election, he won it, OK, he WON!!! He won this thing. He got it. He is going to be the most powerful individual human being in the WORLD (Jesus, God).

Professional protesters are protesting him, only the best protesters, tremendous protesters.

I can’t believe one of his advisers isn’t going to tell him to “Holy shit, dude, STOP TWEETING NOW PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST STOP IT STOP IT STOPPPP!!!!!”

I try to think that things will work out but I think we’re legit fucked. Look what’s happening around the world. NATO, EU and trade deals were good deterrence for war. We start withdrawing our global military presence, Russian starts to take over more lands, china amps up their military. Terrorist will know we’re ripe

The media bent over backwards to be “balanced”, because one minor scandal must of course be equal to multiple scams and white supremacy.

Trump using the full power of the presidency against journalists that are critical of him is a frightening thought. Sadly, a fear that isn’t entirely unfounded.

I don’t know guys, the thought of someone with these kinds of vindictive tendencies having more power than anyone else in the world does not exactly give me a warm fuzzy feeling.