You're A Remarkable Idiot

oh, so that’s what IV is four!

And people say this guy was never IV league material.

Object lesson:

I think Bob Wilson must have picked up a brain parasite from his love of Papa John’s pizzas because his fevered mind clearly forgot what the fuck punctuation is.

Pretty sure even n words like his pizza.

The trailer was good, but I didn’t like the bit where she teamed up with the 2016 Ghostbusters and the new She Ra to hunt down and destroy childhood memories. What was up with that?

Maybe, but that also ignores the reality that there are more options for entertainment today, and cutting through the noise is more impressive. I mean if we’re going to give Gone With The Wind the credit their fans insist upon, we also have to acknowledge that it was either buying a ticket to that or going down to the

what disguise?

Wow - even in this thread about fandom and it’s negative effect there is a lot of hate on Last Jedi... let it go... it was a good movie.

I have to ask, to the people who say Chickfila is really delicious.. do you guys ever go to a real restaurant? Is fast food a regular part of your meals every week? Because I find it edible but I don’t find it any better than any other fast food sandwich. Being the best garbage is still garbage.

I truly don’t understand the appeal of Chick Fil A. Sandwiches are subpar (Popeyes/Zaxby’s FTW) and the whole homophobia thing


“These new movies by contrast actively contradicts everything we know about how the force is supposed to work, re-writes beloved characters in ways that don’t feel right, and even seem to contradict each other in strange ways.”

Yeah but they don’t, actually? 

Such a waste of a good name too

The ‘unique part’ is that the Trump administration has enacted a policy of separating families solely for the purposes of A) “discouraging” people from trying to cross the border illegally, and possibly B) leverage to get immigration laws passed they want passed. The Trump Administration’s GOAL is to INTENTIONALLY

How about we let Cecillia write the opinion piece she wants to write, instead of trying to force your own personal tastes on her. Not every article has to appeal to every person. If you don’t like it, don’t read it. There are plenty of people that enjoy these articles the way they are.

Whenever some one mentions Nazism as a right wing regime I go into a 45+ minute tirade about how Nazi is short for Nationalsozialismus or National Socialism, which by nature is left wing and Marxists will have to except and answer for their half sibling to the end of time.

Considering that there are multiple people here who enjoy it, looks like she IS FUNNY to some. That she didn’t succeed at that show might be because she has a niche and not the middle-of-the-road necessary for a late-night audience. She doesn’t have to be for everyone. She doesn’t have to be for you.