You're A Remarkable Idiot

Right, but do you have to come into every single article about her and talk about how much her comedy sucks (which, btw, isn’t some objective measure and which you even cop to previously sorta “To each their own?” but don’t actually seem to believe or put much stock in)? Especially when her comedic ability isn’t even

I would have thought he would have been charged with a second degree somerassault.

This is your daily schadenfreude reminder that Justice League made less than a third of that.

[insert standard disclaimer about how even inflation-adjusted numbers aren’t all that meaningful, because you have to take into account relative availability of other forms of entertainment, marketing budgets, and a million other uncontrollable factors]

“Climbing light poles? Eating shit? That’s OUR thing!!”

Because I think the nuWars are increasingly soulless corporate dreck?

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

You left out my favorite comparison - It’s only like $20 million behind the wordwide Justice League gross after one weekend.

I like this gimmick

yep. sure do.

OP pretty explicitly made his attack about race

Not really. In the context of the film industry, “released” has a specific meaning that is separate from “screened”