Hysterical Paroxysms

As a democratic socialist/social democrat, I would like to point out that I’m fine with millionaires and multi-millioniares, but think there should be no billionaires. Namely, that taxes should make it easy to get out of poverty and into the middle class, but after that gradually increase the taxes so that while

You actually make me glad I live in Lockdowncity, Lockdownland, Australia. That’s Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. We may be in lockdown, but that’s because we’re trying to keep Delta from overwhelming our (mostly single payer) healthcare system. Oh, and the current lockown here is because NSW is learning the hard

Dead Calm and BMX Bandits.

The Republican attitude toward masks vaccines ,and healthcare in general is the toxic offspring of the marriage of Prosperity Gospel and Social Darwinism.

Maybe they’re advocating for going braless??? 

This is some really cool history, but dammit! Now I’ve got to fight my inner Becky, who really, really wants to link to Steve Martin singing “King Tut.”. Yes, on the Root, and this article specifically. At least it’s distracted me from Afghanistan news, Haitit news, and general Covid news.

Given that her father is Haitian, and there’s been a huge earthquake there receently, and her donation of her prize money to haitian relief, I’d say she can be excused some tears right now. Maybe the sports reporters could have asked questions about Haitian relief efforts?


She’s getting more and more complicit as these stories keep mounting. Got a strong “Ghislaine Maxwell” vibe to her.

Think her middle names are Ghislaine and Maxwell? 

According to this Mother Jones article, it’s Fox “News”, all the way down.

Oh, that’s easy. A conservatorship is usually reserved for people with severe, permanent conditions that prevent them from being able to make even basic decisions about their life. An elderly relative with dementia, or somebody in a persistent vegetative state, are who conservatorships are usually suitable for. A

What I”m wondering is, was their marriage in trouble? If not, then he really is genuinely crazy (the bit about his wife having signs of serpent blood). If his marriage was in trouble, then he’s probably a standard family annihilator, and the Qanon/Illuminati/serpent blood stuff is just a cover.

The Karen meme has deteriorated as it has spread from The Root, into wider use, and has, unsurprisingly, been appropriated and had the original emphasis on white women weaponizing their white womanhood to harass black people removed almost completely.

Not crazy - evil.

After tilting my head, crossing my eyes, and generally mentally twisting myself into a pretzel, I managed to come up with a charitable excuse for the disparity between the two sentences - it was an attempt to help Ms Hopkins with her gambling addiction?
Look, it was all I could come up with - and I had to tilt my

Yes! A family member, with a good career and an understanding of mental illness - like his daughter Britney. After all, she’s had a successful showbiz career for many years, has raised 2 children - I think she should be granted conservatorship of him.

Which usually takes about 200 years.

Ooh, based on an exclusive interview with the Daily Fail? The only british tabloid worse is the Sun. And that’s saying something.

Security cam footage of ex-deputy Griggers, purloining a cigarette