
Pretty sure the despecialized versions you can find on torrent sites are only available in standard def, if there was an illegal HD version available I think a lot fewer people would complain.

Very different style, but A Field in England was another great modern psychedelic film.

Although set in 1983, I feel like it had more of a 70s sci-fi vibe in terms of its look, and the director said in an interview at http://livingincinema.com/2… that some of his inspirations for the movie were THX-1138 (1971) and Phase IV (1974). He also suggests that the decision to set it in the early 80s was in part

Yeah, I'm pretty sure his original strategy was "I'll just copy because I can get away with it", and only after the outcry did he change it to the "it was an elaborate postmodern joke all along!" strategy to try to cover his ass.

"This is going for a colourful youth appealing look, which is why doesn't look as good"

When the Discovery channel shows British nature shows, they like to replace the British narrators with American ones…in this case it was Avery Brooks, from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. I don't mind that one so much, but I hate when Discovery replaces David Attenborough as the narrator on nature specials that he created

Source for that? Especially the part about them originally planning to bring back Kenneth Branagh from the show, can't find anything on google about that.

Yeah, but…what if you go bald and your head gets cold?