
Go to 3:48 for the goods.

You realize your "sympathy" is based on the idea that, because she is a woman, she is incapable of making her own decisions, right? This Campbell guy could also be mentally ill.Can we please go back to feminism as "the radical idea that women are people" and escape from the Jezebel/tumblr liberalism that insists women

No. No. I hate that you're giving her the benefit of the doubt that "she might be a victim". You know nothing about her. Some women were Nazis. Some women are racists. Some women have shitty hearts. Half of these people are victims of how they've been raised, but this woman is not some special "victim in all this"-

I'm sure GTA5 has a great story, but the series has barely added anything since GTA3 even, and every game since it gets this tonne of praise. I really don't get it, I can't.

I hate you.

Better than the time I told Benedict that I thought my mom is hot. Awkward indeed.

"… an army of men armed with weapons …"

There are no cats in america... and the streets are paved with cheese!

Remember: Everyone should have known that Lindy was hungover, and been extra nice to her as a result.

Yeah, she basically went from ruining her seatmate's day to everyone around her in earshot.

So.....you violated someone's space, he muttered something sotto voce, then you went and wrote an angry screed about it?

You, you never saw Celebrity Deathmatch?!

Because porn oppresses women, unless you are a female performer and then it's empowering, but the male performers and producers are all oppressors, unless, you know, its somebody that's cute, then he's not, unless P4tR1ArChy!!!

Really? I loved the way they made the mask. It's not as if it was made to look exactly like the official mask-it's obvious that they purposely made it look the way they did-artistic/creative license. It looks beautiful to me, and the way they did it gives it character, in my opinion.

...But didn't you sound kind of harsh to Antireddit in return?

He is the attractive one. The female has all that . . . face going on. Angry pig-monster face for that lassie. But the guy - I could totally get down on that.

But you don't know the fathers.......so you can't talk about their personal issues.

After all, it worked for boobs.

No need to act all high and mighty. We know exactly what you're saying. You're just wrong.