I don't know, her actions were pretty damn dumb lol. I'm still scratching my head at how she couldnt get out with the aid of the person taking the photo. She can pull herself up while they hold the seat in place. Or even tip it over.
I don't know, her actions were pretty damn dumb lol. I'm still scratching my head at how she couldnt get out with the aid of the person taking the photo. She can pull herself up while they hold the seat in place. Or even tip it over.
Seek help, dude. You got some serious issues you're projecting (attacking) on a person you've just met over a harmless joke. Evaluate your life.
You're a prettydisgusting excuse for a human being. I've never seen someone so casually offer to deal out death and pain under the delusion that it's justice.
That's pretty cool. Thanks for the enlightenment.
Actually, plenty of feminists on the site are already pointing that obvious flaw out. Even an editor. Can't blame those mras (...On jezebel??) For everything it seemsI
I don't have breasts and I cringed and winced when I read that. Might be because I have ribs and a breastbone lol. Hope you got some room on that rocket.
I know but it really is the lesser of two evils the way it is. It is either man has a say of zygote's fate in woman's body or woman has a say of zygote's fate in woman's body. I know it's technically the gametes of TWO people, but what legislation could you really put forth that doesn't force it into one of those two…
I also think It's pretty horrible. The alternative is a bit worse though. What if the pregnancy is dangerous to her health? Then one party can endanger the other without firsthand knowledge of the risks. An easy fix would be to only impregnate a woman who you believe would carry out the pregnancy. Also, you really…
Hey screw you jan. Most people named Jan tend to suck! :P
The sad part is someladies like stupid shit like that. He is pretty good at what he does from what im reading.
Why does that matter?
Lol no need to disown your gender for the approval of the jezzies. Plenty of good people in the world that jezebel doesn't mention.
The silicon dioxide and potassium chloride seem misplaced to me. Like some leftover constituent of their manufacturing. Le ew.
You don't want to know why she's been murdering her children?? o_o
I don't understand where you are making these conclusions. Where did I spew hate toward women? Where did you call me out for it? Are you trolling me? Cause you are EXCELLENT if you are. Like you never leave character until the dvd release. If not, please explain.
Eh, Not going to watch your poorly applicable video for your poorly applicable gif. There's really no point. I've seen it before and read up plenty on the newly defined nice guy. Here on Jez , actually. You cannot assume someone hates women because they call out hypocrisy. That just makes you the crybaby. My comment…
This gif isn't even applicable. Why some random muppet gave you a thumbs up is beyond me. Poor show!
Reminds me of that one time jezebel posted the creepshot of a guy's crotch. Anybody got a link to that one?