
This was like two years ago. Honestly it sounds like I was just being a douche. I'll admit it lol. I still like immersion but the lack of authenticity in that immersion would probably not bother me.

Let them get out of control —-> Then they become snotty....

Correlation is not causation, buddy! C'mon, this is grade school science. One of them "simple concepts".

What's worse is the threats going on in the comments. I'm like...it's a freakin' three year old. Some people get their power jollies by hitting those that can't defend themselves and calling it discipline. More like half-assed parenting.

You sound so empowered bossing around those three year olds. What's next, fleur? Placing kittens under hampers when they meowsplain over you? Well, one can dream.

Women have less dense bones and likely less muscle (some women even lift obviously). Making their entire body an easily accessed "off" switch. Ha! XY fo life.

You almost had me there. I literally read that repeating "what the...." over and over in my head.

You know I'm quite interested in the response you get from this.

Omfg this gif is HILARIOUS.

I got one that said "Pick another fortune cookie". Clearly I need to evaluate my life.

I woke up at 12:15 lol....

I've always wondered why only women wore dresses. Or why any piece of clothing is gender specific. Or color.

Have you seen the video this quote is from? It's pretty entertaining.

1/100 creatures with dicks? Harsh, brah.

I remember that issue!

For some reason I actually finished this game. It's like by the time I realized it had nothing significant to offer I was too far in. So much potential.


Trust Level: God Tier. You're like the pc master race of relationships.

Making all the right moves, night!